New Friends

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(This chapter  is meant to come before "Change")

After filing his empty stomach Hiccup existed the building and ran over to Toothless. The kids piled off him and backed up a bit, still amazed by the black dragon.

'Thanks Hiccup,' Toothless smiled, 'I thought they were going to smother me!'

Hiccup chuckled," Are you sure your okay? Agnus said that you swallowed a lot of sea water."

'Yea...I think so,' Toothless sat down as Hiccup placed his hands on his broad head.

"You talk to your dragon as if he can talk back," a little girl scooted forward. She looked up at Hiccup with curious eyes.

"It's called Dragonese," Hiccup explained, "Does nobody here speak it?"

The little girl shook her head no," Never heard of it."

'It takes a special person to speak Dragonese Hiccup,' Toothless pointed out.

"Toothless says that it takes a special person to speak Dragonese," Hiccup told her.

The little girl glanced over to Toothless; she giggled and smiled. "How strong is he?" she asked.

'Pretty strong,' Toothless gloated.

"Pretty strong," Hiccup translated.

"How strong?" a boy walked up, his brown hair dangled in his eyes. Hiccup looked over at Toothless, waiting for an answer.

' Uh...I can catch and hold a Hideous Zippleback in the air,' Toothless said.

"He can catch and hold a Hideous Zippleback in the air," Hiccup told them.

"Wow!" The kids' eyes gleamed with wonder.

"That's enough questions," a voice called out, "Leave them alone."

Hiccup looked around for whoever said that. When he looked towards the sun he shielded his eyes. Flying in on a Deadly Nadder was a young boy, he looked to not be that much older than Hiccup.

The dragon landed and the boy hopped off, "Run along kids. You've got chores." The kids giggled and ran off. "Sorry 'bout that," the boy stuck his hand out," When those kids find something interesting they won't leave it alone."

"Oh they weren't a bother," Hiccup shook his hand.

'For you they weren't...,' Toothless grunted.

"My names Andres. And this here is Stormtwister!" Andres gestured towards his blue and white Deadly Nadder. The dragon held his head high, all proud like. "He's a bit of a show off," Andres whispered to Hiccup.

Hiccup chuckled," Reminds me of someone I use to know. Uh, I'm Hiccup and this is Toothless." Toothless copied Stormtwister.

Andres laughed, "A bit proud is he?"

"Yea...well..he is a Strike class dragon. They tend to be a bit proud like the Sharp class," Hiccup patted Toothless.

Andres walked over to Toothless, he examined the dragon," So...why'd you name him Toothless?"

"He can retract his teeth, "Hiccup explained," Show 'em bud." Toothless opened his mouth, showing all this teeth. Then, in the blink of an eye, retracted them.

"Whoa! That is awesome!" Andres exclaimed, "I've never seen a dragon do that!"

"Sizing up the new competition?" Hiccup turned around in time to see a young girl and Skrill land. She jumped off her dragon and stood proudly next to it. "My names Kari and this is Striker."

How To Train Your Dragon: ScarsWhere stories live. Discover now