Carry On

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Before this poem. I want to thank each and every one of you. These reads mean a lot to me, just hit over a 1,000 which I never expected when I posted the first one, but not just the 'reads' the readers themselves who have stuck with these poems and carried on reading them, these few who seem to have read them all know who you are and I thank you so much for that...

Also, I've just uploaded a first chapter to a story as I've never really tried story writing before, so feel free to read it. I don't know whether I'll continue it though depending on time, but I will eventually carry it on if I don't now and it's very short the first one to see if anyone would read it. Thanks...

This one is about me, but I wrote in a different person... After feeling so safe and secure with someone, it can fall apart so quickly and even after time the feelings still don't go away when you know they should. But time is the greatest healer, so I guess I've got to give it more time.

You don’t want to love him,

I can’t see it in your eyes,

They tell a story,

All the pain and hurt that he put you through,

All the anger and jealousy he made you feel,

All those feelings that he brought up,

You shouldn’t feel like this still,

You know that,                                                   

But you still do,

You can’t just get over him like everyone says you should,

You’ve tried,

And tried,

I’ve seen you,

But you just can’t,

He meant more to you than I think than you thought he did,

From what I can see,

You’ll always feel like this for him,

It won’t just go away,

Unless you accept that it’s over,

Accept that it’s ended,

Not that you wanted it to,

But what say did you have it in it really?

All of that pain,

That hurt,


And bitterness towards him,

After everything he put you through,

And everything you went through together,

But now it seems like nothing,

Nothing ever happened with you two,

That you never knew each other,

Because he just ignores you,

Pushes you away,

Out of the picture,

Even when you tried to stay friends,

It’s impossible to push those feelings down,

It’s too much to ask,

So instead you just keep on feeling like this,

Not knowing what to do,

Whether you just say anything to him,

But every time that thought crosses your mind,

You just think what good would that be,

He doesn’t love you anymore,

Even though he said it would be forever and always,

So why should you try to make amends,

Or at least fix this broken mess a little,

So you leave it the way it is,

And carry on pining,

I can see it in your eyes...

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