Uncovered Pain

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It's always me, all my close friends never seem to go through this much pain, but then again they could be like me and covering and bottling it all up...

Always me,

Always my fault,

I didn’t want to be this way,

I didn’t choose,

Yet I still am,

Why me?

What did I ever do wrong?

To suffer all of this pain,

I used to let it out,

Tell someone,

But I can’t anymore,

Because I have no trust,

None in anyone,

That I can talk to about this,

They’d all look at me with sympathy,

Or disgust,

Never bothering to try and help,

Just walk away,

And make judgements,

What do you know about me?

The real me?


You known nothing about that girl,

The girls who’s shy,

Hides away,

Bottles everything up,

Has scars,

Uncovered pain,

And grief,

But you only see my mask,

And the person I pretend to be.

Welcome to my life and my thoughts. Poems.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora