Chapter 48 - [Beauty and Four Years Later]

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I never ever forgot him. Not a day went by without me thinking about him at least once. Maybe it had to do with the fact that I was once in love with him... or maybe it had to do with the fact that I knew now that he had changed my life.

But whatever the case may have been, I never forgot him, and I was sure glad I didn't.

Four years passed since that miserable day where what I believed was reality came crashing down, forcing me into a new reality that I didn't understand.

I was twenty-three now... going on twenty-four. I was much older. More mature. Different.

But at the same time, completely the same.

Obviously, in four years a lot had changed. For starters, I had graduated from university with a Bachelor of Arts. Yay me. And now I was finishing off teachers college. I was currently doing a sort of internship as a student teacher at the Victoria Anne High School.

A history student teacher, unsurprisingly.

It was pretty great.

I quite enjoyed working with kids... and people said I was a good teacher too.

"May? May... Mayaleena?"

I blinked before smiling at the young Mr. Rossi. Or Andrew, as he asked me to call him outside of class. "Sorry," I said as I straightened up, "I was just thinking of something."

It was his spare, the only period during the day that he had off, and he asked me out to coffee. So he pushed the coffee towards me, "large, triple-triple, right?"

I nodded with a smile. "Thank-you."

Andrew Rossi was a very handsome teacher. It was obvious that all the young girls in his class had a big crush on him, and I didn't blame them. He had lovely blue eyes and a kinds smile. He was also very friendly and cared a lot about his students. Plus, he even had a little bit of a British accent since he was originally from London.

He was the teacher who was supervising me during this internship. He was sort of like my mentor. He was great too since he gave great advice and was really friendly, always pushing me to try my best and telling me I was doing great.

Also, he definitely had some sort of interest in me.

"So, you probably figured out why I took you out, but I was hoping I could ask you out to the movies this weekend?"


I was right.

Despite knowing he was going to ask me out, I pretended to be shocked before smiling sympathetically. "That's really sweet of you, Andrew, but I already have a boyfriend."

Actually... I was married.

Mr. Rossi looked surprised. "Oh... oh, well this is quite awkward."

I chuckled.

"So, who is this lucky man, may I ask?" He asked before sipping his coffee.

I pulled out the lie I had been using for the past four years when a guy asked me out. I mean, it didn't happen often but the lie worked every time.

"He's a PhD candidate... under my aunt. He's in Egypt right now," I said. "Which is probably why you have never seen him."

"An Egyptologist?" He asked with his British accent.

I nodded.

"Well, he is indeed a lucky guy. I hope I can meet him soon. What's his name?"

I smiled before I answered his question. "Atem."

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