Chapter 7

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Another chapter.. Right on time! lol So I am just about finished with my homework, I have a couple questions on my math test that I will go to the tutoring center for, so I decided that I have a free night so I will upload just like I said!:) hahaha

Here you guys go, another chapter of Dreams of Deception..

Oh and By the way, I skipped ahead a couple of days, because I didnt have anything planned for those days, anyways, they are back in the states, they have been there for a day now. So they are settling back into normal life.



Anthony's POV

Coming back to the states, added more stress onto my ever growing list.

Like I predicted the dreams came back. Mostly every night I wake up around one, and the cold shivers run their course, it takes me several minutes to collect myself, and push away the dream.

You would think that I would be used to this by now, but no, the dreams have the same effect on me every night. It is now one a.m and I am sitting awake, staring blankly up at the ceiling, begging the time to go by quicker, so I can just do what the therapist said to do and go for a walk. I look back over at the clock and it has only been an hour now since I have been awake.

"Eff it." I whisper to myself, and slide out of bed quietly.

I slip on my running shoes and decide to go for a run, then grab a quick cup of coffee.

After my run/hike, I ran down a road, where I knew there was a nice little coffee shop. I have been here before, but the last time I came was when we first moved in, which was a couple of months ago.

I wipe the sweat off of my face, and make sure my clothes look decent before I walk in the door. The place seemed fairly empty, which was expected, since it was barely five a.m.

I walked to the counter and looked up at the menu. Coffee is so good early in the morning, especially iced coffee.

"Could I get a caramel frappicino?" I said, looking down and asking the lady behind the counter.

Here deep set eyes, and dark circles, told me that she has been working all night.

"Will that me all?" She asked, punching the things into the electronic register.

"Yes please." I smiled warmly, hoping that some of my morning cheerfulness will rub off on her. It didn't.

When I gave her my money, she turned around and looked at the clock.

I walked over to the the end of the counter where the drinks are handed to you. I heard the door open and the bell by the door sounded, announcing that someone just walked in. The concept of a bell that hangs above a door bugs me, because seriously what is the point of that? If not to just annoy people.

I let the thought ramble on in my head, but as soon as I turned to see who entered, I froze with shock.

"Finaly Conner!" Shouted the lady that took my order.

"Sorry Beck, but I was being held up by my mother, she thinks I'm going no where with my life." He replied, laughing. The girl whose name was Beck laughed along with him. I walked behind the counter, and grabbed his apron, where Beck threw hers, and left. He looked around the counter, mindlessly, looking to see if she left any orders. He saw my cup on the counter and looked at it.

"Caramel frao." He said to himself, walking to the machine to start up the process of making my drink.

While he was doing that I just stared at him in shock. That's him! I yelled inside my head.

Dreams of Deception (BoyxBoy) [Book II]Where stories live. Discover now