Chapter 8

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Two weeks passed without incident. No-one had seen hide nor hair of Kelly, or Reggie and the kids had never discovered that their once abusive father had been in the house on Dicken's birthday. It would have been a disaster had Dicken found out, but they had avoided that drama. Now even Faith could be found, rearranging flowers in the hallway, or sitting chopping vegetables for a lunchtime soup, humming or singing to herself happily. It was as if all the tension and fear had been drained out of her and replaced with contentment.

"So you're really in love with her? Like, me and Ayah in love?" Reed replied to the shocking news Raidon had told him as they set up a new display cabinet in the museum entrance hall. A new set of ancient Russian dolls had been delivered and they were having a difficult time choosing a neutral background that showed off their colors and stands that let them sit upright for a 360 view.

"What does it matter? She doesn't see me. I'm just a bodyguard for the kids. Your best friend. A lapdog waiting around for a job to do." Raidon complained to himself, in a mood. Reed couldn't argue. For some reason, Faith barely said anything to Raidon unless she wanted something or he had spoken to her first. He had always thought she was just shy, considering he was a big strong chap and she was too used to getting beaten up by her ex husband. He could see why she might be tentative around him, but even that didn't really explain things. Not when they had spent so many years together, in the same house.

"Just...keep your chin up. Maybe something good will happen now that Reggie's out of the picture for good. She's been a different girl since she realized he wasn't coming back again." Reed reassured him as best as he could. He was absolutely sure that Reggie wouldn't bother them again. Even he wasn't that stupid. And one day, maybe in a few months, once she got used to the idea, Faith would realize that too. Then she could move on and be happy again. Maybe even find romance.

"With the papers signed and filed, he's got not reason to come back for anything. It's obvious he doesn't want Faith or the kids back. He'll inherit the family firm, sell it for megabucks and then move far away where no-one knows him. You'll see, we won't be seeing him again." He patted Raidon's arm as he passed him to reach another box loaded with small dolls barely the size of his hand. They were fiddly and irritating to work with, but once the job was done, he was sure it would look great and be a real draw.

"That doesn't mean I've got a chance with Faith thought. You see the way she looks at me when I pick the kids up. It's like I'm a monster whose going to turn round any moment and smack the shit out of her." Raidon declared in a grumble. He saw himself as the bad guy just as much as Faith did and he felt guilty for it. Every time she flinched away, every time she closed her eyes expecting a hit, every time he even remotely raised his voice. Even when he was just playing around with the kids, pretending to be a dragon or some dark knight for their game. It cut him deep. After five years she was still reliving the horror, the nightmare that Reggie had put her through. He wasn't sure it would ever end, but he hoped that one day she might find some peace. Somehow.

"She's just...fragile. Reggie had her for a long time. He had her brainwashed and terrified every day of their marriage. He even tried to hit the kids. And you're a big guy. You're strong and scary looking. She just needs to see that inside you're just a big softy." Reed teased him. He gave him a nudge and encouraged him to get back to work while they had their chat. Ayah's father, Carter, was hovering outside his office door again, giving him the evils. He swore a long time ago that he would never let Carter back into their lives, in order to hurt Ayah again, but somehow that beautiful wife of his just kept wearing down his defenses It was difficult to argue with her when she made so much sense. And she loved her mother. They were so close now, after the multiple kidnappings that had brought them together. He couldn't keep them apart, even if he had wanted to.

The Hours in Between - The Devereaux Case Files Book 5Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang