Chapter 2

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Seth and Sammy had learned to enjoy their role as joint leaders of the crew since Raidon had joined Reed in retirement. In fact, their relationship blossomed because of it. They each shared the same responsibilities as each other as well as with Amilo and Fred, who were also joint leaders. There were no big headed remarks about anyone being better than anyone else. And although most everyone in the team missed Reed's glory days of leading them in their investigations and taking care of them, they had all accepted the new regime with grace and dignity.

Half the team were working on a job out of state, reclaiming some stolen jewelery for a foreign royal, while the other half enjoyed a four week break. They had just got back from a secret detail in Moscow that they couldn't tell the rest of the team about. It seemed that the bosses considered them their own little private army and were using the team to their own ends recently. But without the authority to complain, they each did their job and kept the grumbling for late at night when they could relax with a cool beer and watch the football.

And so it was that morning, while Amilo and Fred were completing paperwork and training two new recruits, Seth and Sammy were sent to answer a request from the local police headquarters, asking for their assistance. Technically they were above such work since their promotion. As joint leaders of the team, they were allowed to use their discretion when not working on a case, as to whether to accept small, menial tasks. Only, neither Seth nor Sammy saw cooperating with the local cops as menial, especially since they might one day need them. They had already been helpful five years before when the team had rescued Ayah and then given the cops a run down of what was going on in their area. It was only fair that, now that they were officially the New York team and Barry's crew had taken over their spot in Ashfield, they return the favor and trust them.

"I'm glad you boys could make it. We're not sure what to make of this case." Detective Shaw explained as they walked in the front door and were immediately spotted by the same detective they had dealt with before. He had specifically asked for their crew and so they followed him to a small private room and sat down in front of a portable TV that had been set up for their viewing.

"We got this three hours ago. Someone dropped it off anonymously at the precinct and my boss says it's a hoax and we've to leave it alone. That's why I've called you in; this looks like something serious to me and if I'm not allowed to pursue it, then I hope you will." He continued to talk, standing in front of the TV, with the remote in his hand. He looked nervous, constantly checking the window in the door behind them as if someone would walk past and see what he was up to.

"We'll try help any way we can, Detective Shaw. Show us the tape and we'll see what we can do." Seth offered all he could at that point.

With that settled, they all settled into their seats and Detective Shaw began the video. It was grainy at first and a little shaky as if someone was using a hand held video camera and couldn't keep their hands steady. Then an image came into view; a young man, in business clothes that were dirty, stained and ragged, showing lots of misuse. He sat in a chair with a gag on his mouth. There was no-one else in the camera's view for a moment and then a dark figure, in black clothes stepped in front on the right hand side. "Where did you put it?" He shouted at the young man. But the young kid could only mumble and cry as he was suddenly whacked on the knee with a copper pipe. He cried out but the gag kept any words from being distinguished.

Sammy and Seth shared a quick look that said whoever was holding the kid, enjoyed torturing him and had no expectation of getting a valuable answer from him. Either he had already told them that he didn't know and they believed him, or they knew that he hadn't a clue all along. They might have been hoping that someone who cared about him knew the truth and would talk if he was punished for their silence. Whatever it turned out to be, the kid didn't have long until they broke him.

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