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Ashton's POV

"Finally." I mumbled under my breath as Sam finally made his way from the house to the car where Castiel and I sat in silence. I felt useless and restless while waiting for him. Castiel had been rambling about how he didn't understand how Dean wouldn't have told them about me, I thought the same thing.

"A shapeshifter." Was all Sam said to us, my eyebrows knitted together. "A shapeshifter is-"

"Sam I know what it is." I said to him, Sams eyes flickered to me as he tour up dirt down the road. "What about one?" I asked him and Sam sighed, looking disappointed.

"That's why Cas and I both saw the other leave with Dean, a whole damn bunch of shapeshifters took him." I nodded in understand meant. Not paying much attention to Castiel be issue I had my own question.

"So where the hell are we going?" I then realized that I had tubal vision. Don't get attached, get to Dean, take Dean home, hug Dean, yell at Dean, let Dean explain. Sam rolled his head around a bit.

"Turns out New York doesn't just have a spirt problem."


I was jocelled awake when we stopped suddenly. I looked to find a sign but only found on of a motel. My eyes narrowed as I saw Sam look at me to wake me.

"Where are we?" I asked him, Sam looked around while quitting even though it was night. His hands on the top of the Impala, in this lighting with my groggy eyes he looked like Dean. Dean.

"North Carolina." I jumped, nearly hitting my head on the ceiling, Sam smiled at my action.

"Why?" I asked him in a harsher tone then I intended but didn't take it back. I was sure Sam could handle it, Dean was in fact his older brother.

"A couple reason." Sam said as I followed him to our room that he apparently had already gotten do us. "One, I can't drive any longer." Sam told me, that I could handle. Sleeping in a bed would be nice. A bed. Ah.

"What's the other?" I asked Dean as I pulled off my shoes and tried not to moan from the relief of pressure on my feet. Sam bit his lip as he obviously didn't think I would like this. "Sam?" I asked in a warning tone.

"We've got something to take care of." Sam told me with a shrug. Fire heated my body as my blood ran hot, boiling. Sams face dropped as I nearly yelled at him. "I'm sorry I know I want to find him-"

"Don't Sam." I nearly growled. I didn't understand why we had to take care of something in their world when I we knew where Dean was. Dean who was probably being tortured or framed for other crimes again. Since I had learned about the nature of shape shifters I had imagined only the worst for Dean. Skin pealing, burning, stabbing, carving.

"This I what he would want." Before I blew up and attacked Sam I only gripped a bottle of water from the fridge. My body was hot so I needed something cold. This was stupid and irrational. The- whatever we were here for would probably still be here after we got Dean back.

"I'm going to bed." I mumbled while tugging my hair back Andy bra off. I then popped an Advil into my mouth, today had given me a huge headache. Sam glanced at me but before he told me goodnight I was gone.


Short one......

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