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Ashton's POV

Dean should have been back hours ago, he was never late without calling. I had talked to him last night and he told me that he would be home soon. Today soon.

"This is Dean, leave your name, number and nightmare at the tone." I rolled my eyes at his voice mail. It had never mad sense to me but it was cute, why wasn't he answering his phone? I sighed running a hand down my face.

"Dammit Dean." I mumbled as I shut my phone. It was almost midnight and he was never home later then noon on Mondays. He always greeted me when I came home from work. I was training to be an FBI agent and Dean was always encouraging me.

What was I supposed to do? I then realized that I knew nothing about this past, about his actual family. We had once talked about how his family was all gone, all he had was himself. I knew he was lying because a guy like him would be miserable if he was all alone.

"Hello 911 what's your emergency?" I sighed through the line. "Ma'am?" Her voice rang through my ears.

"My boyfriend he's- um he's missing." I stammered through the line. The women obviously didn't understand what I had said. "My boyfriend Dean Wayland is missing." I told her and I could hear the small clicks of her keyboard.

"I'm sorry ma'am but no one under the name of Dean Wayland exists." My heart sunk. What was this lady talking about? I narrowed my eyes at them, at the phone before I hung up on her. "Ma'am-"

"Doesn't exist?" I mumbled to myself while pulling on my hair, my body falling against the bed. I wasn't crazy, Dean was real. He was here and he was my boyfriend. That lady had no clue what she was talking about.

I made my way through the house frantically. Looking for anything that would help me, I then caught a glance at a journal of some sorts on the table by the couch. I hadn't seen it before, I narrowed my eyes at it.

"What the hell?" I asked myself before I tossed it in my hands for a moment. On the front I saw a meal star, I then began flipping through the book. I saw images and hand writing that didn't belong to Dean. It looked similar but it wasn't his. "Holy fuck." I yelled and tossed the book across the room as I saw an image that startled me.

I then picked it back up until I saw a number on the back of it. My eyes narrowed at the name. Sam. It was underlined multiple times with a 7 digits number on it. I smiled at it, I wasn't sure who it was but I knew it was obviously important if it was in a book that Dean kept handy.

"Hello?" I heard a voice fill the line, he sounded a bit like Dean. My chest was heavy. "This is Sam." He continued, a lump in my throat confused me at first.

"Um this is Ash- I was looking for Dean." I said to him, he paused. I felt the phone vibrate in my hand as the guy on the other end let out a long sigh. "Sam where is Dean?" I tried not to let my voice break, but it did. I knew he heard it.

"Ash I know you don't know me but I need you too-"

"Trust you." That's what Dean would always tell me. He would tell me that I always just needed to trust him and everything would be alright no matter what. Sam sighed through the line.

"Ash I will bring Dean- You will see Dean soon." I narrowed my eyes. I was sick of this. I had no clue what the hell was going on. I was an avid athlete and I could handle myself, emotionally I was strong and stable but I had a short fuse when I got mad.

"Sam I don't know who you are but I can find my boyfriend on my own." I hissed and cut him off before he could say another thing. "I'm going to bring him home."


I think the next on will be her finding his extra weapons and stuff...... then go out to his old home. Dig deeper into his life w/ her... then meet her up w/ Sam..... yes dean will be here at some point. Probably around chapter 10-13

Instagram: @morganallen._ @agent.fangirl

Twitter: @carrotqueen459

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