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Picture of Kiki above ^^^                

The tip of my pen was tapping the edge of one of the science lab tables as I watched the time tick pass slowly as if it was torturing me on purpose. The hot, humid air was suffocating me for the small windows of the classroom weren't open and there was no air-conditioning which meant that I needed to remind myself to complain to Anastasia about it.

The ringing of the blaring bell rung through my ears as stools began to slide against the glossy floor and bags rustling in peoples' hands. I packed my binder up and got off the stool as the teacher began to clap her hands then spoke up, "homework is due tomorrow, make sure it is completed or you will be seeing me in after school detention."

The class groaned in annoyance as I rolled my eyes at the typical teacher sentence, following my classmates out of the classroom. As I get closer to my locker, the more I saw Xavier's tall frame, leaning against my locker with his phone in his hands scrolling through something, the more I was excited.

I plastered on a bemused facial expression as I opened my locker once I reached it. I placed my folders inside and grabbed my backpack before closing the locker then turned to face Xavier who was watching me intently. He took my backpack in his hands and taking me by the arm with his free hand by force.

I looked at him, bewildered, as people around were mumbling comments to their friends and are already giving us strange looks. My legs were being dragged across the glossy school floors then met by concrete ones as I tried to free my arm from Xavier's strong grip but I was only hurting myself even more.

My surroundings were a blur as Xavier halted in his steps which had me halt as well whilst I tried to look at what was in front of me. A long black limousine was parked in front of the school and away from whispering girls who was obsessed with Xavier as they were peeking behind the school gates. In front of the limousine where Xavier was standing in front of, was the chauffeur dressed in a suit and tie with his hands on the door as he revealed what was inside. It looked like a normal limousine but before I could inspect it further, Xavier had the nerve to gently push me inside as he quickly went in after me.

I stared at him, shocked whilst it took him a few moments to realize that I was staring at him.

"What?" he asked casually.

"This is kidnapping," I answered, my heartbeat increasing as my eyes quickly observed the limousine for a way out.

"You think I would kidnap you?" Xavier questioned as he kept his emotionless eyes trained on me.

My eyes observed the black t-shirt he was wearing; his tattoos were exposed but it kind of made him look more attractive. "Yeah."

"Crap Thea, your dad is part of the FBI team," Xavier replied with an eyebrow raised as I nodded in agreement.

"Right, and if he'd find out you did this to me, you'd be thrown in jail," I stated with proudness as a smile was tickling the corner of my lips.

Xavier's eyes widened. "Do not tell your dad about the kidnapping part, please."

My eyes met Xavier's as it was filled with worry and a hint of genuine fear as my heart ached for him. I shook my head and sent him a smile in his direction which had him relax a bit before telling the chauffeur to start the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked nervously.

"To my place."

"And we had to go in style?"

"It's my family's car," Xavier answered quietly as his eyes were observing the limousine. "We're going to go see my little sister."

My mouth formed into an 'o' as I quickly remembered that I had wanted to see how his little sister looked like and that I had insisted on a picture but Xavier had only shaken his head,  allowing me to meet his sister in person which I was kind of excited about. It had been a week since I had witnessed Xavier punch the shit out of Derek who apparently, approached Xavier's sister.

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