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a/n: please note that this book was written around the age of fourteen/fifteen so yes, they will be cringey and they will make you want to throttle your throat but I promise, you will not regret it. :)

"We're leaving now," my mother announced as I grabbed my heavy suitcase and duffel bag before making my way down the small, short stairs, straight past my stepfather and my older stepbrothers who were waiting for me. My mother glanced at me in confusion as if she wanted me to say something to them, but I refused to do so.

Especially to him.

It had been eleven years since I've seen my birth father and to be honest with you, I was only five years old when he left so I really didn't know how he looked like. My mother decided to ban my birth father from seeing me but that didn't stop him for about two years. During those two years, my mother and I kept travelling to different, unusual places so we could avoid the presence of him. But at that time, I was young and was in my own little world full of fairytales where I didn't have to care about my parents' divorce.

When I turned fourteen, my mother remarried a man who I despised ever since I had met him, for posing to be my dad and for treating me like the absolute worse when my mother wasn't around. I've finally had enough of it and begged her to let me move in with my father who had immediately accepted before she even finish the sentence.

That was the short version of the explanation.

"We'll miss you," my stepbrothers said simultaneously, sadness laced in their voice as they sighed heavily at the fact that I was leaving them.

I smiled at both of the twins. They had backed me up when I needed them most and defended me when I had fell. "I'll miss you too, but you know I need to go."

They both nodded and hugged me one by one before I waved goodbye to them. I glared at my stepfather who only shrugged and flicked me off. I turned around to see if my mother has noticed the vulgar gesture but she was already in the car. Great. I cleared my throat to brush it off and grabbed my bags before leaving my past behind.



The four-hour drive was depressing, I'd admit. I felt bad for leaving my mother with my stepfather but I needed to get out of there, knowing that my stepbrothers would protect my mom as they had protected me.

After the long, uncomfortable silence, my mom frowned at the place as if she had never seen it before. My eyes widened at the enormous, expensive-looking house that came into view as my mother drove into the wide driveway and around a small water fountain to reach the double doors.

Three figures stood in front of the door with wide smiles and curious eyes set on the SUV. I fiddled with my seatbelt, uneasiness settling in the pits of my stomach as my mother hopped out of the car first and said her greetings before going to the trunk to unload it. The man with dark brown hair and electric blue eyes held hesitation as he approached the passenger door and slowly opened it, revealing me.

I cleared my throat and hopped out with a nervous smile as my eyes glazed over two females. The woman with blonde hair and brown eyes looked proud as a girl beside her couldn't contain her excitement, resembling the woman with the same blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Sweetie, call me when you have settled down," my mother whispered in my ear as she hugged me tightly before placing a kiss on my cheek.

I nodded and watched her get inside the car after bidding the small family goodbye, driving unbelievably fast out of the driveway and out into the dark, silent road until the vehicle was out of sight. I gulped and turned around to see my dad with soft blue eyes, looking down at me.

"Thea, it's so nice to see you again," my dad whispered before opening his arms wide as I stepped into it and wrapped my arms around his waist, unsure how to really react.

I didn't know how long we had hugged for but it felt like it was as long as the years I had grown up without him. I stepped out of his hold and turned towards the two women in front of me, tears brimming their eyes as if they had just watched a father and a daughter reunite after so many years apart, which was true.

"Thea, meet your stepmother, Anastasia, and her daughter, your stepsister, Aubree," my father introduced. "Ladies, meet my daughter, Thea."

"Oh, it's such a pleasure to meet you!" Anastasia exclaimed in a split second, throwing her arms around me, earning a chuckle from my dad.

I smiled and squeezed her a bit before letting her go. I turned towards Aubree, expecting her to be one of Cinderella's stepsisters but my expectations were not met.

Aubree squealed. "I've always wanted a sister!"

I laughed and hugged her. "It's really nice to meet you both."

"It's our pleasure," Anastasia beamed. "Now, let's go in and Aubree can show you to your new room."

I nodded and picked up my suitcase and bag, following my new family inside the large house. My jaw dropped at how wide the foyer was and how sparkly the stairs to the second floor was. I looked to my dad wide-eyed who only shrugged and looked to his wife.

"I'm part of the FBI team and Anastasia is the principal of your new school," my dad said nervously.

My mouth formed an 'o' and nodded in understanding. Aubree, who still couldn't contain her excitement, pushed me up towards the stairs and into a large room that had my mouth dropped open, once again.

"You like catching bugs with that mouth of yours?" Aubree questioned in a teasing manner as I only smiled and shrugged.

My new room was two times larger than my old one. The wall that my queen sized bed was against was violet and the other three was pure white. Violet curtains adorned the large window as a large violet sofa was just underneath it with a few white pillows. On the other side was a white vanity where all my cosmetics would be situated and as my eyes traveled towards the far end of the room that stood two doors. One, I assumed was the bathroom and the other was a walk-in closet.

"Do you like it?" Aubree asked nervously as my eyes glazed over the whole room. "Mom and I designed it just for you since your dad doesn't know what girls like."

I beamed at her and threw my arms around her. "I love it, thank you."

"You're going to your new school tomorrow Thea, is that okay?" Anastasia asked from the door.

I nodded. "Thank you."

Anastasia smiled before leaving Aubree and me alone. For the next hour, Aubree decided to help me unpack my things, shouting at which things should go where and I should sit my behind down and watch how things were done. We had a few jokes here and there, I even had tears springing in my eyes and clutched my stomach from laughing.

"Aubree, can I talk to Thea for a second?" my dad asked once he entered the room just as Aubree placed my cosmetics the way she wanted it to look and I gotta say, it looked neat.

"Sure dad," Aubree answered before giving me a thumbs up and running out the room.

I turned towards my father and patted the bed for him to take a seat. He did as he was told and gave me a soft smile, his eyes running around my face as if he was taking me in. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"I hope I can be the father you've always wanted," he whispered, tears brimming his eyes. "You've grown up so beautifully."

I couldn't help but let a tear escape. "You'll always be my dad."

He sighed in relief and engulfed me in his arms, kissing the top of my head as I squeezed him tightly by the waist. He pulled away and looked down at me once again.

"I know it will take the time to call Anastasia 'mom' so don't rush it okay?" my father asked with a smile before getting up.

"I won't," I answered, truthfully.

He gave me one last kiss on the head before leaving me in my new room, where I would be staying. I looked around my new room, feeling a bit home sick now that my mom and step brothers weren't here with me.

But I know that this was what I wanted.

I guess it wasn't so bad here after all. For now.

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