Chapter 3

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I kept trying to calm myself down hoping I could get out of this someway. I was still alive meaning, I wouldn't give up. I had to find a way out. It wouldn't be easy since they all weren't human but, I wouldn't let it discourage me. I took a deep breath opening my eyes then looked up practically jumping out of my skin when I saw him standing there with a straight face. I didn't hear the door open or him even walk in.

"Are you done acting out?" he asked calmly as if nothing happen downstairs. Kind of like I was the one in the wrong when he knew damn well he was. That pissed me off more than I could explain.

"How should I act when a stranger tries to kill me, takes me from my home, locks me in a room and I find out I'm a mate?" I shot back watching and waiting for him to explain that shit to me. He actually expected me to be okay with all of this.

He took a deep breath "You're making it harder than it has to be Carter" he stated. Me? I was making this harder. All I asked was for him to explain but, it seemed too fucking hard for him "I'm sorry but, I don't just go along with what people want. Why am I here?" I demanded freezing as a low growl came from him.

"Drop the attitude" he warned. "You tried to kill me" I reminded him and he just stood there waiting like I was a little kid acting out. How the hell was it my fault? We just stayed there staring at each other for what seemed like minutes till I just rolled my eyes looking away "Fine" I mumbled. Someone had to be the bigger person and it obviously wasn't going to be him. Plus I needed him to explain all of this. He wouldn't if I argued with him.

After a few seconds, he spoke up "Obviously you know we aren't human" "Vampire?" I whispered he nodded. I took a deep breath, wasn't much of a surprise anymore. I think my body is now immune to shock.

"Taking it better than expected but, yes" he said sitting on the bed but kept his distance thankfully. "Tonight, when I went hunting everything I saw was... unappealing.... which is actually odd for me. Then, I caught this amazing smell of blood and before I knew it I was watching this guy drinking from you. I wasn't even sure why I wanted you so bad, but I didn't care at that time. I never craved something so much"

He took a second thinking about it. He swallowed hard looking down before looking back up to me. "I... felt so much anger and envy as he had you. Then he said mine and, I snapped. I tore him apart and by the time I was done, you already took off" he stated in a hard tone as if- once again- I was in the wrong.

"And you followed me home, to kill me" I said finishing the story and he sighed in annoyance but, nodded. "Yes... I wanted to until I got your actual scent and I stopped. I realized why I was so drawn to you. It was because... you're my mate" he whispered simply as I looked at him confused.

"And a mate is?" I asked needing to know that more than anything else. He ran his hand through his curly brown hair biting his lip. "A mate is a soulmate for vampires, we're supposed to be together."

I sat there looking at him waiting for the joke to be over but, his face never changed. He just looked at me waiting for me to speak but, I couldn't. I could even grasp that concept. I just kept repeating it over and over looking at him.

I shook my head trying to make sense of it "Wait for what? What do you mean?" I asked and he chuckled nodding like it was nothing. How was this funny? Me and him together? What?

"Sorry I just threw that at you like that but, I rather not sugarcoat things right now" he stated. I didn't respond I just tried to actually take everything in. I couldn't. As much as I wanted to think it was a joke, this didn't seem like one. How the hell was I someone's mate? I couldn't even keep a relationship going.

"T-this has to be a mistake-" "Fate doesn't make mistakes. I wouldn't be drawn to you if it wasn't you" he stated and I shook my head looking around like it would give me the words to say right now. "I'm just as shocked as you, I didn't expect it. I thought I would be with someone less... stubborn and more civilized" he stated and the confusion instantly turned to anger. I was trying to be mature but, he was still being... him.

"Well don't talk down to me, I'm not your property" I stated and his jaw clenched watching me but, I didn't care. "I won't if you just listen" he stated. "And who the hell are you? I don't know you. I don't have to listen to you and i'm not your mate-" "Yes you are" he snapped at me.

"No I am not! I didn't agree to anything like this. I don't know you and you think i'll just agree to this? I rather die than be with you" I snapped and that very second I was slammed on the bed roughly being held down by the neck.

His hand was holding me down while he bared his fangs to me growling, eyes back to black. I struggled to get out of his hold but, I noticed he wasn't choking me, just holding me there. But, I was still a little nervous.

"Don't tempt me" he threaten and I swallowed hard. "The quicker you accept it the easier it will be for you" he growled watching me for a few seconds before moving. Just as I sat up in silence, he was storming out of the room and slamming the door.

What were my choices right now? Pretty much the same with a damn twist... Die or deal with him but, now become his mate. Both of them still sucked. Even though I said I would rather die, that was a complete lie but, being his mate? No. This was the first day I met him and look at the way he acted.

He was an asshole who thought he could talk to me anyway. I would never allow a man- anyone to speak to me the way he did but, now you expected me to be with him. Fuck no. I refused to stay here and do this. I planned on getting out of here some way and pretty damn soon. I got off the bed, grabbed the bag and threw my stuff back in them.

Just as I finished, the door was pushed back open revealing Sarah. She sighed walking over and grabbing the bag from me "Why can't you just listen? Nothing is going to come good from this" she stated as I grabbed it trying to pull it from her but, did I really have a chance? She was a vampire damnit.

"I'm not going to sit here and be told what to do and talked to like i'm a fucking slave. I'm leaving" I stated still trying to pull it from her. "Yeah that's not going to happen" she stated simply rolling her eyes but, I didn't respond. I just wanted my bag back and to be able to leave "This isn't something you can run from or not accept once it's done, it's done" she explained and I let go furious. Was she actually okay with this? A girl being held against her will for some bullshit?

"So I have to sit here and accept this?" I demanded watching her and she sighed. "Actually... yes you should-" "And if I don't?" I shot back "It will get bad" she simply stated shrugging. "Is that a threat" I asked and she dropped the bag on my bed "No. It's a fact. You'll be in pain, more than you've ever experienced" she stated walking closer to me now looking at me as if she cared.

"If you don't accept it, you'll suffer Carter " "Too late, I think I'm experiencing that now. I'm being treated like a prisoner." I stated and she chuckled rolling her eyes.

"That's Cam for you. I'm pretty sure this is all crazy to him too. He hasn't experienced before either but, I know he'll stop when you calm down. He's not trying to hurt you... anymore so just try to take the attitude down. Get some sleep it's been a long night. Hopefully, you two can have a mature conversation in the morning" She said smiling at me before turning and heading out the room.

Something is seriously wrong with these people...

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