Chapter 22: The Monkey Chased the Weasel

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Rylan no longer cares about doing her homework. When she retreats back to her room and closes the door, she lets the tears flow as she leans against her wall and slides to the floor. No one can help her; no one will help her. Rylan is on her own now with no idea what will happen next. That's what scares her the most. Once again she has lost control over everything in her life.

Rylan has no choice but to go to the dance with Blake unless she's willing to risk her friends' safety and she isn't. How will she explain this to them? They have all proven they are more than willing to sacrifice their own safety for Rylan so they aren't going to like this decision. Rylan goes to sleep fretting over the day to come.


Mr. Winchester lets Rylan walk to school alone in the morning as long as she promises to call him when she gets there. Rylan bundles up to shield herself from the chilly weather, and then heads out.

"Commence operation "Avoid Blake."" Rylan mutters under her breath.

She nearly laughs at the ridiculous nature of the statement. Despite her attempt at being sneaky, Rylan doesn't manage to avoid Blake. The second she sets foot on campus, he's on her like a hawk on its prey. He slings an arm around her shoulders. Rylan recoils from his touch and attempts to shake him off, but Blake's arm doesn't budge.

"Looking forward to tomorrow night?" He teases.

"Let go of me Blake." Rylan commands, ignoring her suddenly shaky tone. "Just because you're forcing me to go to the dance with you, doesn't mean we're going to start hanging out. I still hate you."

Blake chuckles. "Do you think this is just about me taking you to the dance? No, cupcake. This is about putting you in your place."

Rylan stops walking and hits Blake in the chest with her lunchbox. It isn't enough to hurt him, but it's enough to remove herself from his grasp. Rylan steps away from him.

"I don't care what you said last night. I'm not going to the dance with you," Rylan says, her voice wavering a little bit.

Blake narrows his eyes, but smiles. "I think you do. When it comes to the people you care about, you're transparent, Rylan. I threatened your friends because you don't care what I do to you. You had your chance to turn me in, but now it's too late."

"It's never too late."

Blake scoffs. "If you do decide to tell anyone, I don't need to remind you what will happen. You can't beat me, Rylan. I told you, I'm done playing around. So you better figure out a way to make us work."

"My friends will be protected when I tell the cops that you threatened their lives. Then, if anything happens to them, you'll be the first person they suspect and you'll go to jail for a very. long. time." Rylan hisses.

"You're even more naive than I thought if you expect the cops to protect blondie, Tucker, and pretty boy. I heard that teacher you claimed attacked you turned the story back on you. He's saying that you got someone to hurt you so that you could get him fired for almost murdering you. Do you really think the cops are going to believe I raped you? They don't even believe that teacher tried to kill you. As far as every adult is concerned, I'm an upstanding citizen around here. I've never been caught. It'll be easy for me to turn any accusations around on you."

Rylan's lip trembles and she can feel herself coming apart again.

"Fuck you," she chokes softly.

Rylan turns to head inside, but Blake grabs her book bag strap and yanks her back around.

"I didn't quite catch that."

~My Teacher Hits Me~ (Book 1) [Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now