Chapter 4: Ten Times Worse

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 It takes her a while before she can breathe again and her heartbeat returns to normal. Rylan briefly worries what will happen if they find out she isn't present at her last class. She glances at her watch. It's too late to return without having to make up an excuse. Besides none of the teachers pay much attention anyway. Miss Burns hadn't noticed Blake terrorizing her in class. She doubts her art teacher will miss her. In her haste, she forgets Tuck will wonder what happened to her.

Rylan waits a little while longer, then makes the long trek home. She is relieved to find her father isn't home yet. She pours herself a glass of water and takes a sip. Then she remembers Dani and Tuck.

"Crap." Rylan hisses aloud. She forgot to ask for their numbers today. She has no way to contact them.

Rylan paces before ultimately deciding she'll just have to explain herself tomorrow. She tries to start her homework, but her focus is all over the place. Rylan forces herself to take a short nap, then wakes up and finishes her schoolwork within the hour. Around 6 P.M. Rylan hears her father enter the house. She descends the stairs to greet him with a gigantic hug.

"How was your first day of school?" Mr. Winchester asks, setting his briefcase next to the door.

Rylan fakes a smile. She'd thought continually about whether or not she should tell him about what happened in Spanish or omit it entirely. Ultimately she came to the conclusion that he needn't be bothered with the information. Blake doesn't seem to be an unfixable problem and her dad needs his job here. It would break his heart if she so much as mentioned anything negative. Even with these thoughts, Rylan has half a mind to tell him everything.

Normally she would never keep secrets from him, but the only words that leave her mouth are, "It was great. I finished my homework early."

"Good. I'm glad you're enjoying our new home. I was thinking we should have spaghetti tonight. What do you think?" Mr. Winchester continues on his normal routine.

Rylan feels both relief and disappointment with his response. She made the right choice not telling him, but he is completely oblivious to her turmoil.

"Sounds good." Rylan replies.

Mr. Winchester talks about his day all throughout dinner and Rylan is relieved not to have to share any more details about her own day. After taking care of the dishes, Rylan turns in early, but can't find a way to turn off the thoughts roiling around in her head. She can't help but worry about what will happen tomorrow.

The thought of having to see Blake again sets her on edge and she hopes Mr. Quinn will be in a better mood. The minutes on her clock tick by slowly and loudly. Eventually the noise becomes lulling and Rylan drifts into dream world.

Rylan skips breakfast because her nerves leave her feeling a bit sick to her stomach. She reaches school half an hour early. Students are still swarming the building like yesterday. She supposes they have nothing better to do in the time before the first bell. Rylan searches the swarms for her friends and also keeps an eye out for Blake. A few seconds pass before her eyes latch onto a bobbing head of blonde hair: Dani.

"Dani! Dani, hey!" Rylan calls.

Dani's head turns and her face beams with joy. "I wasn't sure if I'd see you before class today. I'm glad I caught you though. Where were you sixth period yesterday? Tuck said you never showed for art. Did you get sick or something?" Dani studies Rylan's face, curious and concerned.

"I have fifth period with Blake and Liam." Rylan replies, glancing around anxiously again as if the mere mention of his name with conjure him up.

Dani's eyes widen. "But...Really? What happened?" Dani asks, probing for details.

~My Teacher Hits Me~ (Book 1) [Rewritten]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu