Chapter Eleven, Call Me Out

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Mabel thinks I'm going on a date with Drake. But I'm going to go look for Bill. I don't care if he gave me a wet dream or if he's avoiding me after our kiss. With any luck, I'd eventually find him. And then I'd talk to him and find out what the hell he's doing while waiting for Ford to show up. I think we were down to four or three days now.

I told Soos I was stepping out for a little and Mabel giggled at me as I left. She also giggled when I was spending an hour on my hair. Part of me was telling myself that I was fixing my hair to play up the 'I'm going on a date' the other half of me was telling myself I was trying to look good for Bill because secretly, deep down inside... A part of me wanted him to be around my arm. I wanted to sit on his face and also punch his face at the same time.

The first place I looked for him was that old abandon house in the forest where Ezy was. I thought about how I killed her, all that blood... It made my stomach turn. I was afraid of the day where my stomach would feel like a thousand bucks after gutting someone. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I knocked again and nothing.

"Bill?!" I called out as I twisted the door knob, opening the door. I walked inside and saw there was papers everywhere, but it looked a bit cleaner then it did the first time I was here.

"Bill? Are you in here?" I called for him again, and this time I actually got something back. A groan, a a slight shift of movement.

"I hate you Dipper Pines," Bill spoke from his spot on the floor. He was laying face first with his limps spread out, hat still floating above his head. He was wearing a yellow sweater with an eye pattern on the hood and black jeans. I crossed my arms and looked down at him.

"You. Hate. me?" I laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. "Alrighty then" I said, moving back two inches from him and sitting down on the arm of his couch.

"Yeah, that's right. I. hate. you. Dipper Pines" he said, twisting his arm to get it in a comfortable place. I saw scraps on his hands.

"Nice scratches you've got there, self inflicted I'm guessing?" I asked, Bill nodded into the floor.

"Of course. Pain is great. I don't hate pain." He said, I rolled my eyes at him.

"But, apparently, you hate me" I asked, Bill nodded into the floor again, twisting his feet so both of his big toes were facing each other.

"I despise you" Bill said to me. I looked at him in an even more confused way then I had already been looking at him.

"And why is that?" I asked. Bill just twisted his body and sighed loudly. I didn't get a reply so I didn't say anything else and just waited for him to speak.

"Why did you even come here?" He finally said, and even though he ignored my question, I decided to answer his.

"I had a weird dream last night I was wondering if it was your doing" I asked, Bill turned his head to face me.

"Oh yeah? What happened in this dream?" He asked, I could feel blush crawling across my face.

"Well, you were there, and I was there. I woke up in the middle of no where with only boxers on" I said, I didn't want to say anymore but the long silence was showing that Bill obviously wanted to hear more

"You came up to me, and sat on my lap" Bill sprung up from his spot on the floor and floated right up to my face, our noses almost touching, he made a doll of me appear out of thin air and held it up to me.

"Show me on this anatomically correct doll exactly where I touched you" he said in a very serious voice. I narrowed my eyes at him and frowned.

"'Annoying' isn't a good colour on you" I said, pushing Bill away from me. He smirked and crossed his legs, tossing the doll behind him.

"Yeah, well obviously you look pretty good on me" Bill said. I balled my hands into fists and gave Bill a dirty look. He obviously made me have that dream. Dirty wasn't a good colour on Bill either. Bill bit his lip a smirked at me.

"Did you like the dream?" He looked me up and down and I felt a chill go up my spine. Ok, maybe dirty was a good colour on Bill.

"What's going on then? What game are you playing?" I asked him, he rolled his eye at me and floated upside down and above my head, so his hair was touching mine and his hat was floating beside my ear.

"What game are you playing? You kissed me" he said, sticking his tongue into my ear. My face went red and I turned to him, his tongue slid across my face, and plopped into my mouth. His eyes went wide, his face went pale. I grabbed him by the hair and opened my mouth for him, biting on his tongue.

He yelped and I pushed on him, only for him to disappear, and reappear behind me. Me was flustered and red in the face.

"Dipper what gives?" Bill said, I shrugged and wiped his spit from my lips.

"Fuck girls man," I said, laughing to myself "actually, I'd rather fuck boys" I rolled off of the couch and landed on the floor, lying in the same spot Bill was when I first walked in. Bill floated over me and stared at me without saying anything. I flicked his top hat.

"Still hate me?" I asked, he crossed his arms.

"Even more then I did before pine tree" he said, but I could see it in his eyes he was lying. I had no idea where this relationship was going, or if it even was a relationship. All I knew was I liked messing with Bill, and I liked kissing him. We'd see what happens.


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A/N this chapter was kinda short whoops. Anyways THANKS FOR ALL THE READS AND VOTES AND COMMENTS I LOVE YOU ALL!

I'm going to Toronto comicon today (Friday March 18th) and imma meet the creator of deadpool. I'm also cosplaying as Sock from Welcome to Hell. Is anyone else going?? Probably not just wanted to know! Love you all!

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