Chapter Five, Calling.

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Mabel was out with her friends. Soos went out on a date. Wendy is engaged to Robbie. Stan and Ford won't be coming back until next week and I had to buy a new laptop charger because mine broke.

It looked like it was the perfect time to call Ezy and ask her what's up. I started dialing her number into my cellphone, ignoring all the missed calls and texts my parents had sent me, and held the phone to my ear. It rang only one, and then someone picked up.

"Dipper?!" Ezy's voice chimed through the phone. I had to hold it a bit away from me so I didn't go depth.

"Yeah, it's me. When can we talk?" I asked, Ezy seemed to whisper to herself and then answer me.

"Now, if you want. I haven't eaten we can talk over dinner" she said, I let out a grunt and nodded to myself.

"Sounds like a plan, where do you want to meet?" I asked.

"The burger place in town" she said, and with that, I hung up the phone. As I began walking to the burger joint I realized that Ezy might have been trying to orchestrate a date with me... Why would she want to go out to eat? Why would she want to talk about all this important stuff over food? Why not in secret? I wasn't in the mood for a date, my love for Wendy is gone and I found out she's engaged... To Robbie. Robbie out of all people. And the worry that this stupid carving of Bill would stay on my arm forever was driving me up the wall. So many things were bothering me right now that if Ezy made this a date I might actually kill myself.

I reached the burger joint and went to sit down at a table, continuously looking at the door for any sign of the girl I saw earlier. A couple minutes went by, the more, I had already downed two sodas waiting on her to show up. I started picking at the table with my finger, digging a fairly big hole before she finally showed up, running through the door and jumping into her seat  in front of me.

"Oh my Arceus I'm sorry I'm late - the concept of time is something you people made up I can't wrap my head around it" she smiled, dimples showing. I shot her a confused look.

"You people? You mean Americans or...?" Ezy's eyes shot open as if she just realized she shouldn't have said what she had said. He began to laugh as her face filled with blush.

"Ha. Never mind. I meant to say I can never keep track of time" she picked up her menu to cover her face. Even though I had no interest in dating this girl, I had to say she looked nice. Her eyeliner was on point and her cute Pokémon dress was a nice touch. Her pig tailed hair even looked cute.

"What are you going to order Dipper?" Ezy said, her face still shoved into the menu. I shrugged, stirring my soda with my straw.

"I don't know. So, anyways about what happened that one summer, do you want me to begin at the beginning of the weird happenings or-"

"Uhh-" Ezy groaned, putting her menu down on the table "they don't have sweet potato fries" she bit at her lip and whispered to herself.

"They don't even have poutine... This is America, I guess all they have on the menu is 'freedom' ha... But all we have back home is maple syrup and free health care so..." She continued to mumble to herself for a while, her comments about Canada made me think she was being offensive to herself. Her comments about the US weren't much better.

"Ezy!" I shouted, she looked up from her menu and stopped mumbling, looking at me confused.

"Where should I start my story?" I asked again, Ezy looked at me as if something had finally clicked in her mind.

"Oh! Right right," she began, "tell me about Bill - what you remember of him at least" she said. I was about to speak but the waitress came over and Ezy ordered her food and so did I - finally - and she walked off, I decided to talk before Ezy got distracted again.

"Bill was a monster - he tried to take over the world - he tried to kill me and Mabel and everyone else that stood in his way. I have no idea why. He was just sick and twisted, he got pleasure out of seeing people get hurt, he was weird. I never fully understand we him and I don't think I ever will" I explained, Ezy was listening but she was playing with forks.

"Uh-huh. So how did you get rid of him?" She asked, still playing with the silverware.

"Well, my gruncle Stan tricked him into entering his mind, then we used a memory eraser gun to zap Bill out of existence" I explained, Ezy dropped all her forks, stood up and slammed her hands on the table, leaning over to me.

"Whoa whoa whoa there Dipper Pines! Next time say spoiler alert or something sheesh" she said, then she laughed and sat back down as she began to play with her napkin instead of the forks. I shook my head and had to take a moment. This chick was crazy or something. The waitress came back with our food and we started eating our burgers and fries - only thing was that Ezy was probably the messiest eater I had ever seen. Condiments were all over her face and hands and for some reason she kept missing her mouth with the fries. She was laughing about it which caused me to laugh because her laugh was contagious. I started to think maybe she wasn't weird, she just didn't feel like growing up just yet.

I told her some stories about the gnomes and she seemed satisfied with it, but then, out of what seemed like no where, she pulled out the big guns.

"Do you think Bill is still out there?" She asked. I basically froze and slowly looked around the burger place. There was two - maybe three other people in here. I couldn't risk saying anything here. I gulped down a fry and looked at Ezy seriously.

"Listen, if we could finish this conversation somewhere else, it would be great" Ezy smiled and nodded.

"How about tomorrow at my place? If that's ok?" She said, taking a clean napkin and placing it in front of her. She pulled a crayon out of what seemed like no where and began writing on the napkin. She handed it to me.

"That's my address, meet me there tomorrow around 6:30. I wish we could talk tonight but it's late and I really want to start working on the story" she smiled. I nodded to her and went to go pick up the check but she surprised me when she shook her head and smiled.

"It's already taken care of" she said. I thanked her for my food, she left and went right and I left and went left. Disappearing in the night was Ezy, the weirdest girl I had ever met.

I headed back to the mystery shack and saw Mabel sitting on the stairs with her head in her hands and her elbows on her knees. Every since she became too big to fit in her sweater, this is where she went instead of sweater town. I sat down next to her and looked at her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, she turned her head slowly to me and I didn't see tears, but she still looked upset.

"Grenda and Candy have boyfriends, isn't that weird? I just... I felt like I was out of place hanging out with them... But maybe it's just me..." She said I placed my hand on her back and sighed.

"Today I found out Wendy is engaged and I'm upset about it even though I don't like her anymore... I know exactly how you feel, all weird and confused. Everything has changed" I stated. Mabel took a deep breath and stood up.

"Yeah, your right. And I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day, we just need some settling in" she said, I smiled and nodded to her. We both went into the shack and headed upstairs. I slipped into bed in my clothes and Mabel quickly changed in the bathroom. She turned off the light and laid down in her bed. The beds seemed so much bigger when we were younger, guess more then just relationships changed over the years.

"Goodnight Dipper," Mabel spoke. I snuggled into my pillow.

"Goodnight Mabel" I fell asleep with one thought in my head. Bill was right. Everything was going to change. But I wouldn't let anything bad happen to anyone.


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A/N I stole the "the concept of time is something you people made up..." Thing from the animation Welcome To Hell by Eric Wester. Whoops

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