Just What I Needed (33)

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There was perfect silence, almost perfect darkness too. The only lights coming from the machines' flickering lights. But Keely had her eyes closed against it all as she leaned back in her seat, tipping her head to the ceiling, mouthing the words to a hesitant chorus while notes spread out in her mind, like a guiding path to what the song would be in the end.

But there was one thought that kept interrupting her, the fact that Seth wasn't helping her write the song. And that infuriated Keely. I can write a song on my own, she told herself furiously, I don't need him to write every bloody song with me.

That was absolutely true.

Yet even Keely would admit that he made the music better, and that pissed her off too.

Her inner thoughts were disrupted by Pink Floyd's Another Brick in The Wall.

Keely's brow furrowed until she saw Marco's cell phone, lighting up the sound table.

Snatching it up, she pushed a hand through her bangs, pushing them from her face as she gave a distracted, "Hello?"


She leaned back in the seat, seeing Seth's shocked face clearly in her mind. "Got it in one."

"What the hell are you doing with Marco's phone?" The surprised face she saw in her mind had turned to suspicious to match his tone.

"He left it at the studio," Keely snapped, pushing on the table so the rolling chair glided across the room.

"Why were you in the studio with him?"

"Jealous, are we?" she asked, rolling her eyes at his angry tone.

He almost growled, "Well, you're supposed to be my artist and now-"

"Slow down tiger," Keely interrupted him. "The only reason I was there was because Marco wanted company while he did the bass track for one of your songs. And I'm still here because I was writing a song, so stop jumping down my throat!"

There was a pause before Seth spoke again, this time using a softer voice, "Can you call Colton for me?"

"Why don't you do it yourself?" she snapped.

Another pause.

"Because I only get one phone call."

Her eyes narrowed dangerously. "Are you telling me that you want me to call Colton for you because you've done something stupid enough to land you in jail so he can bail you out at two in the morning?!"

"Yes," he answered simply.

"Seth, you're an idiot," Keely replied, rubbing her temples.

"Lovely to know," he retorted sharply. "Now can you just call Colton and tell him to pick me up at the fifty third? Thanks."

Hearing the click of the call being disconnected, Keely let out a frustrated groan and dropped her head into her hands. Yeah, just because he made her music so much better didn't mean that the stupid boy didn't piss her off within an inch of her life.

Arrested? Seriously? Who was that stupid? She'd been in New York just over a month and the idiot had already been arrested twice, for what she didn't know, and those were just the ones she knew about. Because - although she hated to admit it - the boy was famous, and that translated to the fact he wouldn't be arrested as much as a regular person despite what he did. What the hell was he doing to get thrown into jail this time? God, that boy is so freaking idiotic!

Plus, she couldn't call Colton, he was on a rare date with Marissa and Keely didn't want Seth to screw up their night together. She had no idea what Marco was doing, but she couldn't exactly call him seeing as she had his mother fricking cell phone. Keely supposed she could let Seth stay in there until morning, but the though was gone quickly, she wasn't that mean, even to Seth.

Just What I NeededOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora