Just What I Needed (29)

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Keely felt her lip quivering upwards in distaste, her nose wrinkling as well. “You cannot be serious.”

“One hundred percent,” Seth answered, looking smug.

The distaste in her face left as she chewed on her lip thoughtfully, looking across the little space between them. “It works?”

“Better than anything else, Staub.”

“But-but it's just so strange!”

He smirked, “Don't you trust me?”

That got a snort out of her as she rolled her eyes at him, saying, “Not in the slightest.”

“You're going to hurt my feelings.”

Sending him a pointedly unamused look, Keely pushed back slightly on the stool, tipping her head to the side so it wouldn't smack the microphone. “And how on earth would I be able to stand on my head for that long?”

“I'll hold your feet.”

Keely narrowed her eyes at him, trying to detect a lie. “You seriously want me to sing standing on my head?”

“Have I ever joked with you when it comes to recording?” he returned, draining his black coffee mug. “I'm not kidding you, I swear. It'll loosen your throat up and give a whole different tone for the song.”

“Won't all the blood just rush to my head?”

“I know what I'm talking about,” he returned, groaning slightly. “We're going to try it, whether you like it or not. After I get more coffee, but we're doing it.”

Slapping away the finger he pointed at her face as he spoke, Keely rolled her eyes, leaning back further to a precarious position on her stool. Seth in turn stood up from his stool about a foot away from hers, barely missing the microphone as he stood, and strolled out of the sound booth, into the studio and out the door.

Unable to sit still, Keely stood up, wandering around the room, running her fingers over the microphones set up. She was feeling oddly well rested, which was becoming a very rare thing since she'd moved to New York. Yes, she had once again fallen in love with sleep, it was a fine friend. Yet if Keely had to choose between music and sleep, the answer would be the same any day. Nothing could compare with music for her, she loved it more than anything else in the world, and sincerely doubted that would ever change.

"Sit down, you're giving me a headache."

"Oh, I thought the headache was from your hangover!" she snapped back at Seth's voice, not even thinking of her words.

Swinging around, with her hand gripping the microphone, she found him leaning against the doorjamb between the control room and the studio. He was looking at her with an eyebrow raised, and his legs crossed casually in the front of him.

"Its an even half and half."

Sending him a glare, Keely turned away from him.

But his voice had her turning her around again. "Here," he told her simply.

Now it was her turn for her eyebrow to raise at him, seeing the coffee mug he was holding out to her in his left hand, in his right he was holding his mug to his lips.

Feeling her nose crinkle slightly, Keely reached out to take it, quickly retreating farther away from him so there were a few yards spacing out between them. She made a face, realizing she was acting like a wild animal, taking the offering and running away before eating it. Yet she still sniffed at it, what would have Seth done to a coffee that he would give to her?

Just What I NeededOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora