Chapter 25 Fear Death

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Chapter 25

Fear Death

    I could hear the thuds, explosions, and hollers stampeding above me. The fighting has gone for endless time, as I remained locked away where that same time seems frozen. With desperation, I tried to think of a way out but nothing came. Pintel had placed the key on a shelf across the room from the cell. With my arm extended, it only came about a third of the way to that key. I had no way of reaching it. I looked around my cell for something to use but there remained nothing, nothing but me.

    I still do not understand why Barbossa did this, to punish me for everything I have done to him? Against Beckett, there was only slim chance of survival anyway. He could at least let me die fighting with everybody else, keeping my own dignity.

    As I sunk down against the wall my dress Beckett had me wear puffed out, giving me an idea. It would appear I do have something I to reach the key with after all. I tore off the gown, then shredding it into long pieces to tie together. I noticed the back of my dress was stained in blood. My wounds must have reopened again. With all the stress of trying to escape, I did not even notice the pain from my lashing anymore.

    Now in only my ivory under dress, I held on to the bar with one hand, the other containing the rope I tied together from the mutilated dress. I flung the fabric at the key, only knocking it to the ground. I let out a frustrated huff and tried again, this time only managing to move the key barely half a step in my direction. This would take a lifetime. Once I finally get out of this prison, it is likely everyone would be dead, including Jack, and my father.

    I then heard footsteps, tiny lightweight thuds. A moment later, Jack the monkey appeared at the end of the steps.

    “Jack!” I desperately snapped my fingers to motion him, and then pointed at the floor across from me. “Get the key!”

    The little monkey just gawked at me, sucking his thumb.

    “Come on, Jack, I have to get out of here,” I pleaded. “Please. Come on, you don’t think I am secretly planning a betrayal too, don’t you?” 

    I must be growing delusional. I am talking to a monkey as though it could understand me.

    Apparently little Jack was able to pick up on some of what I was saying. He hobbled on over and picked up the key with his tiny hands.

    “That’s good, Jack!” I reached out my hand through the bars. “Now, bring it too me!”

    He crawled over in my direction with caution, but the monkey did hand me the key and then scampered back up the steps.

    “Thank you, Jack!” Without further hesitation, I plunged the key through the lock and pushed though the door. It was much easier to run without that heavy dress. The only things weakening me now were my open wounds.

    I dashed up the steps past Pintel and Ragetti, who were watching something. I held my hand against the wall behind them and tilted my head to see what they saw. I could barely hear my father’s words, ‘you may now kiss…’ and spotted Will and Elizabeth kiss right in the middle of the battlefield. Barbossa must have just married them.

    “How romantic,” I commented just behind Ragetti.

    “It sure is, isn’t it,” Ragetti agreed in a dreamy sigh.

    Pintel snapped out of his daze and whirled his head around. “Hey, you are not supposed to be here!”

    “Oops, my bad.” I quickly bent down and pulled out Ragetti’s sword. “Thanks!”

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