Chapter 7 Sea Mistress

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A/N: Now, it has been approximately 10 years since the last chapter, but we are still before the Curse of the Black Pearl (the 1st movie)

Chapter 7

Sea Mistress

“Are you alright, Madame?” a young browned haired sailor, with a short patchy beard, said as he helped me up onto the ship.

“Yes,” I nodded with pretense gratitude. “Thanks you, kind sir.”

He smiled as he wrapped a wool blanket around me. “May I ask what happened to you, Miss?”

“Shipwreck,” I muttered shuddering. “I believe I am the only survivor.”

“Sorry to hear that,” he consoled. “But no need to worry. You will be safe with us.”

“John!” Another older sailor, with short auburn hair just starting to grey, appeared on deck. “A word?”

“Be right back, Miss.” John scurried into the private room after the other man.

I quietly crept up closer to the door so I could listen.

“What’s the problem, Billy?” John demanded.

“Do you not realize that it is tremendous bad luck to have a woman on board?” Billy warmed him.

A sly smile formed across my face. There is a good reason for that.

“Ah, come now, Billy. The poor girl was the sole survivor of a ship accident. What was I supposed to do, leave her in the ocean?”

“No, I suppose not,” Billy consented. “But you do realize what could happen, do you not, John?”

“Oh, Billy, always so superstitious. You know those are just rumors. I am sure nothing bad will happen to us,” John assured. “Now, let us just focus on getting this ship to land.”

As I heard their footsteps move closer to the door, I rushed back to the spot I was sitting at and gaze out upon the ocean.

“You will have to excuse Billy,” John said as he sat down beside me. “He gets a bit nervous around the ladies, especially pretty ones like you. Never could bring himself to say much to them. That’s why he’s never married.”

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I instead smiled bashfully turning my gaze downward. I have been to Tortuga on several occasions. That place contained plenty of girls much more beautiful than me, but there were also a significant amount there more ugly as well. I suppose that would make me average in appearance. My sandy blonde hair was always a mess as it laid down to my mid-back in waves. I stood at about average height with deep tan skin and hazel eyes.

“Is there anything I can get for you?” John asked kindly.

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