Chapter 19

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A thoughtful silence settled between the vampire and the witch sitting on the front porch, each divulged in their own thoughts, as they sometimes inconspicuously cast a glance at the other. The wind rustled through the high trees, playing with Bonnie's curls and Damon's sharp gaze followed her elegant movement as she pulled back the loose strands falling into her face. A crow called in the woods and she subconsciously straightened somewhat. The older Salvatore brother smiled.

"Do you like crows?"

A look of confusion passed over Bonnie's face and she blinked as she turned to face him. "What?"

Damon nodded toward the woods, where another crow responded to the first one. "Crows. I saw you reacting to their call. Do you like them?"

To her horror, Bonnie felt a deep blush creep to her cheeks. She didn't feel like telling him about her pet crow. Damon Salvatore for sure wouldn't understand.

She forced herself to shrug as she set an indifferent face. "Oh, not in particular. There's only one crow who sometimes visits my home and I give him some biscuits."

Damon frowned as a disbelieving expression flashed over his features, then he slightly narrowed his eyes as his gaze bore into hers. Bonnie couldn't move. "Didn't your grandmother tell you to be careful around crows?"

The ominous words lingered between them as Bonnie opened her mouth, then closed it again, captivated by his gaze.

"He makes me feel better," she then whispered. "Ever since my Grams' passing I was hurting so much. But the crow's visits somehow comforted me and made me find the will to go on."

Damon's features hadn't changed while listening to her words, but something flickered in his eyes as her voice trailed away.

"That's quite an accomplishment for a bird," he finally said, but his voice held no trace of mockery. He even sounded a little bit jealous, Bonnie realized in astonishment, until Damon turned his head to look at her, his indulgent smile distracting her.

"So, what do you talk about when he visits?" For some reason his gaze wandered toward her delicate, caramel hands, a longing expression momentarily passing over his face.

"I won't tell you that," Bonnie said offended, thinking about all those times she'd mused about Damon himself and the confusing way she felt about him.

The vampire looked at her with an attentive gaze, as his voice took on a velvety tone. "Really? You do know that you might only make me more curious about what my witch talks about with the animals in the woods..."

Perhaps it had been his intention to persuade her into talking or to mock her, but his attempt failed as an amused smile formed on Bonnie's lips. "Well, your witch is not planning on telling you, so you have to learn to live with it."

He grimaced at her choice of words. "Charming," he commented and Bonnie cast him a sweet smile.

"So, how are things going with the witching lessons?"

Bonnie cocked her head and narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing his curious but rather innocent expression. Her heart sped up. She hated it when he looked at her that way. "You seem pretty interested in them," she stated.

He smirked before the innocent look returned. "It's my duty to protect Emily's line of witches." His gaze held hers for a moment, then he continued on a softer tone: "... and if that means helping her last descendant to not give up on her magic..."

His voice trailed away, and Bonnie blinked as she let the words sink in, then her eyes widened in realization. "The grimoire. Elena said it was Stefan who..."

"A little white lie. You wouldn't have accepted my help so easily."

Then his head suddenly snapped up. In the west the sun started to set. "It's time for me to go now, witch." He quickly rose, then slightly leaned in to trail a finger along her caramel cheek.

"So soft," he whispered, before casting her one of his characteristic smirks.

On a human pace he strode toward the woods when the sound of Bonnie's voice made him stop and turn.

"Why do you keep showing up?" She had risen too and her hand lay on the wooden pillar as she watched him standing in the front yard, her heart racing in her chest.

For a moment he didn't answer as he studied her, a melancholy expression passing over his face.

"Not everyone has a crow to turn to."

And with that he disappeared between the trees.

My Crow (Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu