Chapter 3

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The next day Bonnie awoke a bit more rested than usual and got ready for another day at school. Thankfully and probably due to interference from Elena, Caroline didn't bother her any further about her quitting cheerleading in the middle of the school year. So, the headache was not as intense as she'd expected it to be when she parked her Prius next to her house after school and walked into the kitchen.

She spent a few hours studying for a geography test that didn't hold her interest, when her cell phone rang. It was Elena.

"Hey girl. I didn't catch you after school. How are you now?" Elena's somewhat husky voice was filled with sympathy and Bonnie closed her eyes as the gnawing despair stung through her heart once more.

"I…," she started hesitantly. "I'm alright I suppose. Last night I actually had a good night's sleep…"

"You did look better today," Elena chimed in, obviously clinging to the hint of positivity enclosed in Bonnie's words. Bonnie smiled wryly. Was it only a few months ago that she had been saying the same thing when Elena's parents had died?

"Thanks," she sighed.

"Should I come over?" Elena asked from the other side of the line. "Or you could come to my place and stay to sleep."

Bonnie cast a look over her shoulder and noticed that twilight was setting in. She hesitated. Though she wasn't really in the mood, perhaps a girl's night over would distract her from things. And with Jenna and Jeremy around, Elena's house was a lot livelier than her own quiet home. A sigh escaped her and she thought about accepting when the call of a crow startled her. Casting a look outside, she noticed that the golden rays of the setting sun had made place for a dusky half light. She made a decision.

"Actually, Elena, could we do that some other time? I'm really tired and I would be glad if I had another one of that good night's sleep."

"Of course," Elena responded understandingly. "But don't run away on me tomorrow, ok?"

"Ok," Bonnie smiled apologetically, then something came to mind. "Oh Elena, thanks for getting Caroline off my back today on my quitting cheerleading. I was so sure she was going to give me hard time for that."

For a moment it was quiet at the other side of the line.

"Well, I'm glad that she didn't," Elena finally said, "though perhaps she has activated her only brain cell concerned with tact and sympathy, because I didn't talk to her."

"Oh…," Bonnie fell silent. She had been positive that Elena had spoken to Caroline, since their friend hadn't showed any sympathy when Elena's parents died, let alone Bonnie's grandmother, whom the blonde had always found a bit strange. "Well, I've got to be going. I want to have dinner ready when my dad comes home."

"Sure," Elena agreed. "Goodnight. See you tomorrow."

Bonnie lay down her cell phone and rose from her bed, heading straight for the window seat. Slowly she sat down and looked up at the sky. It was cloudy tonight and the stars were veiled, though the surroundings seemed lighter somehow, because of the reflection of the lights on earth.


The croaking sound of a crow's call nearby startled her and Bonnie shot up straight, her widened eyes coming to rest upon the small figure of a familiar black bird sitting on the windowsill not too far away from her. He clicked with his beak and ruffled his feathers when he saw that he'd caught her attention.

"You again?" She leaned outside the window, seeing the beady black eyes gleam in the light coming from her room. "Do you want some more biscuits?"

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