A Little Help

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Author's Note: School is going to make my brain explode. Taking a quick break from cellular physiology (I know it sounds thrilling...) to update. I hope you all enjoy!! 


Carrie's POV:

For once, I managed to sleep without any nightmares. Every night since Charles kidnapped me while I was out for a run, I have been tormented by horrific images while I sleep. I was shocked when I woke up and saw that it was eight in the morning. Normally I wake up at three and then I'm terrified to go back to sleep.

I went into the kitchen and turned the radio on. I left the volume low enough so that it didn't wake up Julie. I wonder if she was plagued with the same nightmares as me. I started to prepare some French toast. Julie was always cooking in the house and for the past month she's been eating nothing but hospital food, I wanted to make her something that tasted good.

I hummed along to the music as I cooked. When I finished, I heard Hunter start to cry. I gave Julie a baby monitor, but she probably just woke up or it takes her too long to move with her leg.

"Don't worry Julie, I've got it," I told her.

"Thanks," she said.

I picked Hunter up from his crib. His face was red and tears were streaming down his cheeks. I held him to my chest and bounced him up in my arms. I walked into the kitchen and got him a bottle out of the fridge. He grabbed the bottle with his hands and drank the formula. I kept him in my arms as I walked over to Julie's door. I knocked lightly on the door.

"Julie, I've made breakfast whenever you're ready," I told her.

"Thanks," she said. "Give me a couple of minutes. I want to get changed first."

"Do you want any help?"

"No! I'm good."

"Okay, I just didn't know how hard it would be with your leg."

"Thanks, but I'm good."

"No problem."

I carried Hunter back into the kitchen and set him down in his highchair. He was smiling as I turned around to grab the French toast. I set the table and waited for Julie to come out of her room.

Julie's POV:

I woke up when I felt fingertips graze along my arm. Jimmy's warm chest was pressed up against my back. He kissed the side of my head, right above my ear, when he saw that I was awake. It felt like I was waking up into a dream, but I knew it was real.

"Good morning," he whispered to me.

"Morning," I said rolling over.

I had to adjust my weight so that I wasn't resting on the wound. Jimmy propped himself up on his elbow and rested his head in his hand. I reached out and put my hands on his chest.

"Your fingers are cold," he whispered to me.

I bit on my lip to stop myself from giggling. I wrapped my hands up in the comforter and nestled myself into Jimmy's chest.

He was supposed to leave last night. He was supposed to go back to his car while it was still dark outside and hide, but he fell asleep. I watched him fall asleep last night, but I didn't wake him up. I don't know when the last time he slept well was, and I didn't know when he was going to get a good night's sleep again. It was selfish to let him stay, but I couldn't stand to watch him go. It was a miracle that he found me, and I wasn't going to let him go.

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