Out Of Options

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Author's note: So sorry my updating is taking so long. I'm crazy busy with school and work and I'm running on no sleep. I'll try update as soon as I possibly can, but it may take a while. I hope you enjoy!


Julie's POV:

"Juliet, I'm Detective Cameron," a man said as he sat in the chair beside me. "How are you feeling today?"

"I don't want to talk today," I said.

Kenny told me that the cops went into the basement. I have no idea what is down there, but I had a feeling it couldn't be good. I remember hearing the basement door slam shut and people's screams being cut off.

Cameron smiled at me. He was a lot younger than Hopkins. His light blue eyes matched the colour of his tie. He was tapping his clipboard against his knee. He set his voice recorder down on the nightstand.

"Unfortunately, that's not an option," he told me. "This case managed to get even more serious and your interview is crucial right now."

I bit down on my lip. I let my eyes jump over to Hunter's crib. Kenny had given him to a nurse so that she could give Hunter a bath. I wanted to cradle him in my arms. I wanted to kiss and cling to him before they could take him away from me.

That's what they were going to do. They're going to listen to my story, and not only arrest Tommy and Jimmy, but they'll lock me up too. Surely I'm guilty too. Only guilty in their minds though. They didn't understand the traditions. They didn't have time to adapt to them.

"If you don't talk to me, Juliet, it will be considered obstruction of justice," Cameron said. "Do you know what the consequences for that is?"

"Why?" My voice cracked and I could feel my eyes burn. "I didn't do anything."

"Answer my questions and we won't have a problem."

I wiped the tears away when I felt them roll down my cheeks. Cameron shifted his weight in his seat and twirled the pen through his fingers. I took in a deep breath and bit down on my cheeks to stop the tears.

"Were you ever in the basement?" Cameron asked me.

"No," I said shaking my head.

"Never?" he asked. "You were in that house for two years."

I took in a deep breath and a pain exploded in my chest. A strip of fire ran down my ribcage and I reached out and clutched at my chest. I could feel the dressing of gauze covering my stitches.

"Remember," he said. "If you go to jail then Hunter will be sent to a foster home. Detective Hopkins is talking to Carrie right now. She's been very helpful with this investigation."

That's because she's a traitor, I thought.

I've already lost Jimmy though. I couldn't lose Hunter too. I needed to take care of him.

"Once," I said.

"What did you see?" Cameron asked.

"Nothing. I was blindfolded."

"Why would they do that?"

I remembered the crunch of the stones under the cop's wheels. Tommy carried me into the basement and then ran his hands all over my body. He dug his teeth into my shoulder. Just thinking about it caused a chill to take over my body.

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