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Silence's P.O.V.


I always thought meeting the other three girls would be awesome, And for the most part I am right.

It's cool. Beauty has went through the same shit I have, Grace is pretty cool, and Intelligence is too, but I'm not used to other girls.

Beauty is vision and blindness, Grace is Strength and agility, and In is healing and injury.

What power do I have?

The ability to shut people up.

I just simply say something wrong and poof! No more idiocy.

I don't really have an amazing name like Intelligence or Beauty.

I'm just silence.


What the hell kind of name is that?

My mind is in over drive as Grace poops down next to me,"I know what your thinking."

"No shit."

You see, Grace has been different from the others, so when I pull one of my stunts, she simply shrugs it off. It is new for me. Maybe I can finally have a friend.

"I am your friend, Silence."

I frown,"It's been a month, and I still don't understand why you like me. Most leave after two days."

She shrugs,"I just get this sister like vibe from you. "

I smirk. I like this.

"Dalai said you have the power of, what was it again?" Grace asks.

Oh yeah. That.


I stand there staring at them. The door is busted, and they all look pretty rough.

My rescuer, Dalai, began to explain, holding up the second piece of the prophecy that he has recently found. And I'm in it.

Just my luck.

"The three hearts will join, and begin search for the one thing that makes life.

The fourth Crystal.

The fourth Crystal has the power to make things grow and die.

Silence will overcome the shadows."

Damn in.

End on flashback.

I shrug,"Making things grow and die."

She smiles softly,"Yeah."

Her belly looks as if it is about to pop. This werewolf this is getting to her. Four months to prepare to be a mother? I would die.

Grace chuckles,"I think your right. I'm going to pop."


Grace's P.O.V.

*two days later*

I feel bad for Silence. I've read her mind when she sleeps and when she isn't paying attention, and learned that she never knew anything other than pain.

She never had friends or anything.

Poor girl.

Silence is a sweet innocent, silver haired girl.

She is always blunt, but she's so, how do I put it, different, but has great imperfections.

I slip into bed next to Aiden, as he holds me, even around my large stomach. It's been like a month, and I feel like I'm going to pop, but apparently this isn't even big compared to what it's going to be.

I swear I'm about to cut someone.

Aiden licks my mark, pulling my from my thoughts, and clouding my mine with pleasure,"Bunny, we've had a stressful couple of months or so, why don't you sleep for as long as you want."

I shrug,"I don't exactly want to rest right now," I say breathlessly as Aiden trails his hands down to my pants.

His fingers hook into my Jeans, sending chills up my spine.

Suddenly, I'm flipped over, Alpha of a pack, is flipped over being growled at,"Who do you belong to?"

I growl, my instincts kicking in,"No one."

Aiden growls, nipping at my neck and leaving a hot trail of kisses along my collarbone,"You better tell me bunny."

I growl, Not willing to give in. I am going to win this.

Aiden stops abruptly, making me whimper.

He slides off and lays next to me, not even touching me.

I touch his shoulder, he doesn't move.

I touch his side, He doesn't move.

I smile, wrapping myself around Aiden, before leaning into his ear,"I'm yours sweetheart."

He has a big grin plastered on his face from ear to ear.

I groan and roll my eyes,"Great I just boosted your ego up even further."

I try and kiss him, but he just Pecos my lips.

I growl,"Kiss me."

I try again, but don't prevail.

Aiden smirks,"Am I teasing you, bunny?"

I nod, burying my face in his chest, faking a sniffle,"That's mean."

Aiden sighs,"Alright sweetie, how about you go to bed now, your worn out. Its clear by the bags under your eyes."

I frown,"No."

Aiden cuddles me,"Sleep bunny."

I shake my head, but my body betrays me, making me yawn.

Aiden chuckles,"See you are tired."

I groan and ignore his stupidly obvious comments.

I yawn again,"I love you," I say, beginning to drift.

"I love you too,"Aide says, with a smile in his voice.

That is the last thing I hear before I sink into darkness.

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