Two Opposites

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Grace's P.O.V.

Two Opposites.

Blue. Red. Too opposite colors but they come together to make purple. I wish I could color the sky, it would be so many different colors at once, making everyone's favorite color be there somewhere. Making everyone happy.

Then maybe this pack will accept me.

Accept me as their Alpha.

But for now I hope as Aiden drives me home. He takes me inside, my mum already knows.

She herself is a werewolf I recently found out.


I look out the window. Not want to really wanting to believe any of it.

But having Aiden near me calms me a little.

Suddenly I think about my mum.

Aiden notices my panic and quickly dials her number,"Hello... yes.. she has changed.. she shifted... she's different though... Shes white with blue eyes... but she's also got a very high rank.. Yes... Alpha."

I sigh, grabbing the phone from him,"Hey mum."

"Oh sweetheart I'm so proud of you!"

I frown,"You knew?"

She laughs through the phone,"Oh my innocent daughter, of course. I'm one myself."

I hand the phone back to Aiden. Going silent as he hangs up the call.

End of Flashback

Aiden brings me back to reality with a smile.

I run my hands through my hair,"Thanks Aiden, for a, big day," I say sighing. I stopped at my door at the end of the hall of the stairs.

He presses me to my door, pinning my wrists above me,"Your welcome, my darling."

I smile.

He peppers kisses all around my face, making me giggle.

When he reaches my lips, it's slow, and so in sync. My heart thuds in my chest.

Oh God, what is he doing to me?

He chuckles, reading my thoughts,"Sweetheart, I am doing just what I want."

He growls playfully, biting at my ear, making me moan out.

He chuckles,"My sweet Grace, you have no idea what you are doing to me."

I pull him into my room, shutting the door behind me,"I have an idea."

Aiden smirks.

I gasp,"My thing-"

Aiden cuts me off,"Jack got them. He'll bring them here Bunny."

I Smile

I pull him to bed with me, curling into his chest. His abs and body hard, but so inviting.

I feel along his six pack, running my fingers along a single tattoo that says, Love and death across his side.

Aiden smirks,"Checking me out babe."

I decide to tease him,"Oh no sweetheart. I was just comparing you to that boy Jack. Woah! Does he have a body!"

Instantly Aiden is on top of me. His eyes are dark and he's growling,"Your mine. Mine."

He kisses down my neck.

I Moan out.

He growls, nibbling at my neck,"Who do you belong to?"

I smirk, trying not to break.

His mate pull was so strong. Alice was struggling against me, Just give in! I want him to hold us!

I know..

I growl as he finds my sweet spot, his teeth nibbling and grazes his tongue gently over my neck.

My heart thuds, nearly jumping out of my chest.

Aiden chuckles,"Oh my sweet Grace."

I giggle sheepishly.

He kisses my head as he starts to get up. I whimper, causing him to look back at me with sadness,"What's wrong, Angel?"

I make grabby hands at him, wanting him to stay,"Stay." I simply say through mate mind link.

He chuckles, holding me against him,"Of course."

I look up at him,"Why has all this time gone by and you not even notice me, then within two days your all over me and I'm in complete bliss with you?"

He breaths in,"Honestly, I wish they would've sent you to me two years ago when I first found out. But you were only barely fourteen, I'd have had to wait a while for you. And that'd kill me."

I feel tears slip down my face,"But you saw the way the bullies treated me, yet you did nothing about it!" I whisper yell.

He has instant pain in his eyes,"I know. And I'm sincerely sorry my sweet bunny."

I curl into him, letting him kiss away my tears.

The memories of Jessica and her posse slamming me into lockers and putting food in my face, fill my mind.

Aiden yelps when he reads my thoughts,"Oh my Gods.. Grace, I'm so sorry I wasn't there fo-" He couldn't even finish.

I push my lips to his, growling at the connection.

He chuckles, petting my hair.

I lay next to him on the bed and think about everything. The feeling of when I first followed Jason into the woods. The feeling of falling twice near the wolves, the terrified feeling I had felt. The feeling I felt when I realized Aiden was the black wolf that knew it all.

Just everything,

My body shakes with laughter as I remember teasing Aiden just a few minutes ago.

Then I think about my past.

It gets gloomy.

I think about my drawings I have drawn because I was so alone. When no one was home I would sing tell lyrics of the saddest song you ever heard.

I think about the lyrics,

I let you go and let the lonely in.

I barely get one line through my mind before I am wrapped up in Aiden's arms, him holding me close to him,"You really had it rough bunny. I wish I could've been there."

I smile at his nickname for me.

I liked that.



I laugh at my own idiocy.

Aiden laughs out loud, stopping me.

Oh God his laugh is sexy. Its so low and husky.

Oh no. I hope he didn't hear that.

"I did babe," He whispers in my ear seductively.

I shiver, arching my back into him, making him chuckle again,"Bunny, you need sleep."

I growl shaking my head. But my body fails me when I yawn.

Aiden chuckles as I nuzzle into his neck,"Go ahead. You've had a big day."

I smile warmly at his words and cuddle deeper into his arms.

"I swear if you leave me while I'm asleep and I wake up alone, I will ring you by your neck," I say sleepily into his neck.

Aiden strokes my head,"I'll stay sweetheart. Don't worry."

I curl into his warmth, drifting off into a dreamless, comfortable sleep.

Everything was going to hit me tomorrow.

I've got this.

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