Chapter 12 the opera

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The night of the opera had arrived. Josoline sat in her carriage with her lady's anxiously awaiting too see the Duke.

The morning was long with the breakfast and a reading. The evening was clear to be the same, her time here was going by quickly and efficiently.

The opera was this evening and Josoline had absolutely found the it dreadful she wondered how people found it entertaining and when would the night end but of course it hadn't even started.

She sighed

The carriage had came to a stop and the foots men open the carriage door, Ethan stood on the other side. They had also started spending a fair amount of time together, An even though Ethan asking her to the opera she had hoped that Leo would have. They had also spent a few more moments in that room, she had now mastered the art of going unnoticed in the kitchen, the kitchen staff was always too busy to take notice of her but how long would that last she worried. They had talked, he had told her of his time back east and she had told him of the freedom she loved and that she didn't really believe in love or a woman submitting herself to a man, Leo was very shocked to find out she thought like that. Many ladies her age would of begged a differ.

She enjoyed those moments but who could of imagine the surprise she had felt when she heard that Lady Drusilla had gotten the invite. So when Ethan had asked her, how could she have said no.

" You look beautiful .. absolutely radiant" He said grinning at her.

" thank you " She force a smile.

He offered his proffered arm , She took it. She had grown bored of him, All he had spoke about was war and politics hadn't even giving her much time to speak of her interest But time was not on her side and neither was love. They ended up in the royal box where Prince Leonardo ,Lady Drusilla , prince Theo and lady Cecilia sat talking. Josoline for one had gotten confused by the young princes actions, today it would of been Lady Hanna and tomorrow Lady Cecilia. Lady Cecilia rotated between the brothers and it disgusted Josoline. Knowing the man she got to know she was sure Leo had bedded her, she became jealous a feeling that felt unnatural to her.

The secret meetings had come to end with him an that's what she was going to tell him when they met again

She gave a weary smile to each, the greatest part was she had a seat in a royal box at least she'd be in his presence. She confessed I wardly

" thank god it isn't near him" she mumbled to herself trying to convince herself that he didn't affected her. She was angry with him for reasons unknown to her.

" did you say something?'' Ethan asked.

" no " she lied, barely smiling.

He gave her a little nod and smile. She had grown use to his smiles and his charms had no longer affected her.

Everyone greeted each other polity exchanging smiles and bows.

He ushered her to the seat next to Leo and Her heart pudding as she looked at his beautiful face , she felt frustrated, hot even . The dress, the opera , Leo ..the entire night frustrated her.

As she took a seat the lights went and the opera started. Her hand in her lap, she left Leo's hand in her, she bite her lower lip . He used his thumb to caress her palm, he could feel her tense up and that pleased him.

The gown she wore had made his imaginations go wild . Her Muslim gown was too much for him, it had covered too much . It had took every ounce of restraint not to seduce her. All the time he spend with her the more he wanted to know , it amazed him really the way her eyes sparkled when she spoke of poetry , ballet and art. She was beautiful inside as well as out and for the first time he felt like himself around a woman but his cousin had liked her he was pursuing her. Wouldn't it complicate issues if he stepped in but he didn't want a wife and he had made that clear to her and the other debutantes even his parents. His father only yelled and he knew he still could be the king even unwed, The only reason he had entertain these woman was for his mother's sake.

He touched her leg an she flinched. He smiles because that pleased him even more. The thick fabric irritated him, he looked at her face in a gentle light. She bit down on her lips. Leo's fingers pulled the fabric up slowly , Josoline heart beat in anticipation she couldn't believe he was doing this . His touch felt right her mind told her to push his hand way because she was a lady but her body allowed him.

She felt him pulling her dress up slowly. She squeeze her eyes shout her breathing got heavy. Ethan noticed her breathing.

" are you alright LadyJosoline?" he asking turning to her .

Leo removed his hand Swiftly.
She nodded her head and forced a smile. She turned to see Leo's face who wore a grin.

Damn him , why was he doing this? Did he do this to torment her.

'' Wasn't that lovely?" Lady Drusilla asked Theo.

" In deed" Theo replied.

The opera had ended, Josoline rejoiced in her heart. The entire opera Leo's hand was in hers , near the end he slipped her a note that She couldn't wait to read.

" I will love to see you once again tomorrow at noon"Ethan asked Josoline wearing that handsome smile.

She watched Leo over Ethan's shoulder, he kissed Drusilla's hand her face flushed . He whispered in her ear and she blushed, she looked away it had annoyed her to see him Charming another.

" What do you say?" Ethan asked." I really enjoy spending time with you"

She cleared her throat and forced a smile," I would love that " she lied. A broad smile appeared on his face

He ushered her back to her carriage, she curtsy " til next time my Duke"

She entered her carriage without a look back.

Becka , Ruth and Mari waited for her at the palace.

" Did you enjoy the opera ?" Asked Becka. As she entered her chambers

Josoline laughed," What a question.. You know how I feel about the opera"

" I do"she agreed with a grin.

She walked to her room and waited to see if they would follow but they didn't
She slowly took out the note and it read

Meet me tonight at our place. I'm looking forward in seeing your beautiful face. Please come.


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