chapter 3 lady's in waiting

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The morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a golden glow across the room. Josoline's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the gentle warmth of the sun's rays. She blinked, momentarily disoriented, before the realization of her surroundings flooded back to her. England. A palace. Not America.

Sighing softly, Josoline pushed herself up, propping herself against the pillows. The soft sound of giggles drifted in from the seating room, and she couldn't help but smile. Her maids, she assumed, gossiping as they went about their morning tasks. Silly women, she thought affectionately.

As Josoline attempted to rouse herself from her slumber, a familiar voice broke through the quiet. "How unladylike," it chided playfully. "Do not tell me my sweet cousin is already bored in this palace."

Josoline's heart leaped as she turned to see her cousin Rebecca standing in the doorway, a beacon of familiarity and comfort. Without hesitation, she rushed into Rebecca's arms, tears pricking at her eyes. "Oh, Becka," she murmured, her voice choked with emotion.

Rebecca held her close, a silent understanding passing between them. "Josi, Aunt and Uncle thought you could use a friendly face," she explained softly, her own eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Pulling back slightly, Josoline offered a wistful smile. "I'm sorry they robbed you of this season," she murmured, her heart aching for her cousin's sacrifice.

Rebecca shrugged, her expression tinged with determination. "We're family, Josi. I'll always support you," she declared, her voice filled with unwavering loyalty.

Moved beyond words, Josoline enveloped her cousin in another tight embrace, gratitude swelling within her. "You cannot imagine how grateful I am that you're here," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Josi, you're like a sister to me," Rebecca declared warmly.

"And you too are like mine," Josoline replied, returning her cousin's smile. Rebecca reached out to wipe away Josi's flushed cheeks, her touch comforting and familiar.

"Well, I'll have next season," Rebecca announced cheerfully, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. Suddenly remembering they weren't alone, she gestured towards the two ladies in the seating room.

"These are my best friends," she explained, indicating the two women. "That's Marie," she said, nodding towards the one holding the gown, her dark hair neatly arranged in a bun atop her head. Then, gesturing towards the other woman who sat on the settee, she added, "Hello, I'm Ruth," with a warm smile.

"I've heard a lot of good things about you," Ruth chimed in, her tone friendly and welcoming.

"We are your ladies-in-waiting," Rebecca beamed proudly.

"Oh dear, look at me, I'm a mess," Josi giggled, trying to tame her wild hair. "It's truly a pleasure to have you here."

Rebecca gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind Josi's ear. "No, you're beautiful just as you are," she assured her cousin, knowing Josi needed the encouragement amidst the intimidating debutantes.

"Let's get things together now, shall we?" Rebecca suggested, leading the way towards Marie, who held the gown for tonight's event.

Josi smiled as she admired the peach and silver gown. The off-the-shoulder design and long silk sleeves added an elegant touch.

"Do you like it?" Ruth asked, standing beside her with a smile.

"I truly do," Josi replied with a delighted giggle.

"Good, because tonight is the night you must be noticed. If one of the princes or the Duke asks you for the first dance, then you can try to win his favor," Rebecca explained, her tone filled with determination.

"His favor?" Josi questioned, her expression a mixture of confusion and intrigue.

"Yes, getting any of their favor is imperative. It shows you can have more alone time with him," Ruth interjected mischievously, her eyes dancing with mischief.

Realization dawned on Josi. "But isn't that against the rules of the palace?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Yes, but if he likes you, he will want unchaperoned meetings," Ruth replied, a mischievous glint in her deep brown eyes.

Mari gasped in shock. "Ruth?! You know that's against the rules!" she exclaimed, gently slapping Ruth on the shoulder.

Ruth simply shrugged, unfazed by the admonishment. "Well, it's our duty to get her noticed," she replied confidently.

"And how will you do that?" Josi asked, her curiosity piqued. She looked at her ladies-in-waiting, feeling a sense of excitement at the prospect of their schemes. Each of them brought something unique to the table, and Josi couldn't help but feel grateful to have them by her side during her stay at the palace.

Picture of Becca on the side

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