Signs Worst School Memories

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Aries: Detention. Detention everywhere
Taurus: Group projects  I think everyone hates these
Gemini: Being caught talking in class  it's always happening to all me Gemini friends XD
Cancer: Crying in the bathroom
Leo: Yelling out the wrong answer confidently  Yeps 😂😂
Virgo: Lunch
Libra: Classes without any of their friends  Basically all my morning classes
Scorpio: Not being allowed to kill someone   O.o
Sagittarius: Not getting a test back for like 8 years
Capricorn: Getting a bad grade
Aquarius: Having to pretend their normal for like 7 hour per day  YESH
Pisces: Stress from grades and learning and stuff (and drama)

I HATE school...

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