Chapter 35

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Christian's POV

My eyes fluttered opened. The bright lights of the hospital room greeted me. After blinking a few times to adjust my vision, I saw that my mother was asleep beside me. I gently tapped her.

She slowly opened her eyes and let out a yawn. When she looked up to see what had disturbed her sleep and saw that it was me, she nearly jumped out of her seat. "You're finally awake!!" my mother said happily. "Let me get the doctor." And then she ran out of the room.

She came back a couple minutes later with a doctor behind her. He was in his late 40s, with wrinkles already appearing on his aged face. He was dressed in a white coat, a stethoscope hanging around his neck.

"This is Dr. Barnes, he's your doctor," my mother introduced. "You should thank him, he was the one who saved your life."

"Thank you, Dr. Barnes," I said gratefully.

He smiled warmly at me. "Just part of my job. I'm glad to see that you're awake, Mr. Wright. Your parents have been waiting anxiously for this day."

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked him.

"You were in the ICU for the first 2 weeks, then your condition stabilized so we moved you into the room you are in right now. Here, you slept for the about 3 months," he explained.

"Your father and I were so worried that you'll never wake up. We were beginning to lose hope. Every day we came to see you, but you showed no response. Your injuries were already starting to heal but you weren't waking up. I hired the best doctors to come and treat you but they all said that they couldn't do anything. It was all up to you, to wake up. So then we just waited until today."

I nodded, absorbing the information.

"How is he doing now that he's awake?" my mother asked Dr. Barnes.

"We will do a CT scan on him and see if there are any problems. If there aren't, your son can check out of here by the end of the week since most of his injuries have already healed completely," Dr. Barnes said.

"Well I think I should get going, Christian should get some rest now since he just woken up." my mother said.

"I agree. Resting properly greatly impacts how quickly your body will heal. And I'm guessing you aren't planning on staying any longer." Dr. Barnes said.

"Wait, where's Cali?" I asked, realizing that she wasn't here. 

"Are you talking about the young lady who brought you to the hospital? I thought she was your girlfriend at first, but I must've been wrong. She never visited you after that day," Dr. Barnes revealed.

My mother gave him a cold stare. I could see daggers shooting out of her eyes.

"Uh- I'll take my leave now," he excused himself and hurried out the door.

"The young lady he spoke of... is he talking about Cali?"

"No, it was just a kind woman who called the police and came with you on the ambulance.. no one else."

"Don't lie to me," I warned.

"I'm not lying," she persisted, looking away.

"Then where exactly is Cali?" I changed the question. "She was there when I got hurt, there is no way she would stay away knowing that. I know her."

"You must not know her well enough then, son. I've been here ever since you got into the hospital and I never saw her visit you even once."

"I know everything there is to know about her. She must be using the restroom or something..."

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