Chapter 46 - A Bond Unveiled

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Fort Squall

Tamara walked arm in arm with Sophie out to the field where the Touching Ceremony was held. They both cleaned up well, though she had little more than rags to present. Sophie, however, looked stunning in her burgundy gown.

She longed to tell Sophie about her encounter with Byron, what he'd made her do, how he'd tricked her. Since the kiss, her face had burned red without ceasing. Her mind continued to replay the moment. It was most confusing! How unfair for a silly kiss to affect her so, compromising her composure, consuming her mind, especially on an important day like today.

His act was shameless, brazen, far from discreet. Anyone could have rounded the corner and seen them. She shuddered to think of it. One thing was certain. He had no Rider. No Drengr would betray his mate with a kiss from another. That meant she would see him at the ceremony. The thought of facing him after such an intimate moment left her gritting her teeth.

"Amber, do you not agree?" Sophie pulled on her arm, recapturing her attention. She pushed Byron from her mind.

"I do apologize. What did you say?"

"I said, I hope Lara and Kiviana fail today. They deserve it."

She could only nod as they traipsed through the grass. It nipped at her ankles. Before them, the field stretched onward until it met the city walls of Squall's End.

A rush of wind rustled her hair. The sun briefly disappeared. Giant shadows danced along the ground. She turned her gaze skyward and gasped. Her surprise was echoed by others walking near them. Numerous Drengr circled above them, many with Riders and some without. They descended in lazy spirals, their wings outstretched, heading directly for the empty grassland.

Her stomach lurched into her throat, leaving her nauseous. She watched as they settled on the field. Those without Riders kept their form. The others became human and walked to the outskirts with their mates. She and Sophie stopped to witness the spectacle.

"I do not think I can do this, Sophie," she whispered, growing more nervous by the minute. Nearly twenty Drengr, statuesque in their hulking forms, waited for the Touching Ceremony to begin. Their different colors glinted in the sun. She saw several shades of blues and greens, a few reds, oranges, a purple, a bronze, and a white.

Pressure mounted within her chest. She took several deep breaths, trying to steady her thoughts. A terrifying realization nearly knocked the wind from her. In the next few minutes, her future would be decided. Just when she believed she had ultimate control over her life, just when she thought leaving Redport afforded her authority over her path, she discovered how wrong she was. Fate was the making of Riders, and no one was capable of commanding fate.

Sophie took her hand and squeezed. "You can do this, Amber. Breathe," she coaxed. "I am nervous too. But we will never know until we try. Remember? We must try!"

"We must," she whispered weakly.

"Come on." Sophie pulled her towards the assembling line. Everyone was silent. The very air was as tense as a taut string ready to snap. Several hopefuls were permitted forward into the large area where the Drengr sat waiting. They apprehensively stumbled towards those gathered, uncertain and fearful, just like her. With wide eyes, she stood motionless as she watched the event unfold.

The hopefuls walked from one Drengr to the next, stopping at each to lay a hand upon their scaly hides. It took about five minutes for the group of four to move through the field. Nothing happened. Realizing their failure, they left with tear-streaked faces, huddled within each other's arms, taking their sobs with them.

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