Chapter 32 - History

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Eigaden Planes

Claire sloshed stew everywhere the moment King Talon's voice bombarded her mind. Reyr had only just returned from his trip west, and the king's contact was not something she was expecting.
"Whoa, Claire! Careful with that." Jovari held out his hands and took his bowl from her, eyes narrowed. She hardly heard him.

"The people cry for justice, Reyr."

Justice. Of course they did. Unease crept into the pit of her stomach.

"We all cry for justice, Your Grace," Reyr said, his tone patient and even. He was always so polite. If it were her, she'd already be yelling.

"Gods above!" Talon gave a mental grumble. "You could have saved us from this added burden."

Reyr hesitated. "Added burden, Your Grace?"

"Yes, added burden. The instant you found that girl standing over Cyrus, you should have slit her throat."

"Your Grace—"

"Saffra tells me she was found covered in his blood. What more proof is needed?"

Her heart lurched.

"Your Grace, with all due respect, there ought to be a fair trial."

She held her breath, waiting.

"Yes, yes. I have agreed to a trial," he said, begrudgingly. "Still, many of the council members have argued against it. They are calling for her immediate death."

Her muscles turned weak. Immediate death? This was not how things were supposed to go. She began taking deep, short breaths.

"It is unanimous then? There has been a vote?"

There was a long pause. "No, not unanimous. We took a vote today. One vote remains in opposition."


"Lady Saffra maintains her stance."

She stiffened. Lady Saffra? Lady Saffra was all that stood in the way of her execution? Her eyes snapped to Reyr's face. He sat frowning down at his bowl of stew.

"When you say stance..."

"Saffra maintains that Claire is innocent."

She exhaled in relief. A weight lifted from her chest. Someone was on her side.

"Is everything all right, Claire?" Jovari forced her attention away from the private discussion. "You look...bothered. I certainly hope you plan to eat."

She offered him a weak smile and nodded, noticing that he and Koldis had nearly finished their stew. She dished up a bowl for herself and sat back down.

"Your Grace, I believe Saffra has good reason to claim Claire's innocence. I too must side with her," said Reyr.

Warmth seeped into her chest at Reyr's response. He believed her. After all this time, she had finally won him over.

"You are being careless, Reyr," said the king. "I know you. You have always been quick to forgive and forget. You have spent too much time traveling with this girl. Perhaps you have forgotten that she is an outsider."

Her smile faded. What was this king's problem? Why was he so quick to accuse her? He didn't even know her. If Reyr believed her, why couldn't he?

"Perhaps you are correct, Your Grace," said Reyr. "Yet, Claire has shown no signs of dan—"

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