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Ever been so mad that you started talking to your self. Well that's me right now and I know I look crazy while doing it but I could care less at the moment.

I was breaking every speed limit driving to Jessie's house. He thinks he can take me to court, ME, he must have lost his damn mind.

I pulled up to his drive way and stomped up to the door. Forget knocking, I was banging like someone was trying to kill me.

"Where is he!"

"Well hello to you too sis"

Trisha I have no time for your bullshit, where is Jessie I need to take to him." I pushed her out of my way and made my way into the house.

"Jessie, come out you bastard" I yelled all through the house.

"He's not here" trisha said arms folded

"Well then where the hell is he"

"Look why are you even here coming in and hollering in people's houses, looks like you got some bad news." Trisha said looking at the paper in my hand. She couldn't even hide the smirk on her face.

That's when I calmed myself and just looked at her.

"Do you have something to do with this" waving the paper in her face.

" well if you mean jessie taking you to court for joint custody of Tyler all I did was just pass the idea along I didn't force him to do it."

I was speechless.

"Why" I asked so low that it barley came out as a whisper.

" what the hell is wrong with you haven't you already ruined my life enough, do you take pleasure in doing this. Is this some kind of sick game to you! Huh answer me."

"How does it feel to have something taken away from you" she said with gritted teeth.

"I never took anything from you, have you lost your mind."

She looked at me has if I was the crazy one " haven't taken anything away from me, how about my entire childhood my entire adolescence. everything I did couldn't compare to you. Do you know what it's like to always be known as Natalia's little sister. you are so high and mighty that nobody cared about the other sister they just care about Natalia because its always been the natalia show. everything always about you!"


"No your gonna listen to what I have to say, it's my turn." Trisha said with a pointed finger.

" do you know how hard it is to live with you, to grow up with someone like you, ever since we were kids everything you did was amazing. you played every sport you got all the trophies
whenever we went to a family reunion everybody dotted over how amazing you were and I was just that inconvenient little sister. You know what my happiest memories of my childhood are, when ever you would go to camp for the summer because for those two months it was all about me you were non-existent but when you came back it was like I was pushed in the shadows, was pushed in your shadow. nothing I did was ever as amazing as what you did."

I couldn't even speak.

" oh and then there was high school. you were the queen of the fucking world weren't you. You and Jessie were the it couple and everybody wanted to be your friend. I never had any real friends Because they only wanted to hang out with me to get to you.
You know I was so happy when you graduated and left for college because I finally thought it's my time to shine but no even when you were gone I was still in your shadow. The faculty members the teachers even the principal they always said how you were an amazing student and I should do everything you did.
live up to your potential they said.
you know what I was known as around school Natalia's little sister. Even when you were gone all Mom and Dad can talk about was you. I graduated salutatorian but it wasn't as good as you because you were valedictorian. Even at my graduation party you put me in your shadow. you just had to say that you are getting married. its like people forgot that the party was originally for me and they made it all about you. it's always about you."

She was yelling at me and pacing. I don't even think she noticed.

" I was done being second. I wasn't going to let you take anything away from me anymore so I thought why not take everything from you and trust me it wasn't that hard."

She looked me dead and said that arms crossed and all.

We were quite for a few moments but then-

I laughed so hard I was actually crouching over. I saw her looking all confused and that just made me laugh even more. I wiped a tear from my eye.

" are you done because if you're not please do go on because this is the saddest thing I've ever heard. So you did all this sleeping with Jessie which I don't even blame you for any more because it was the both of you not only you , but you did all of that because you were jealous of me oh that is hilarious." I actually started to chuckle a bit.

" first of all do you know why I got all those trophies because I was good at sports and I always participated, you never liked sports so you never got a trophy. You know why everybody wanted to be my friend because I was a nice person I didn't hate on anyone I treated everyone with respect and always showed a smile, while you were just being sad and emotionless all the time. You know why a lot of people know me because I did a lot of things for the school I participated I left my mark and I made sure that my grades were amazing."

" you felt like you were in my shadow, fuck that, that's just what people say when they don't have a better excuse and you know what, maybe if you are bright enough people would have saw you behind my so called shadow.

Her mouth hung open and I just shook my head and headed to the door. This was honestly just sad. I didn't even want to waste my time anymore.

I touched the door knob but before I left I had to say one more thing to her.

" you want to know what's so ironic about this whole thing sis."

Mimicking the same way she says it.

Tyler is Jessie first child, so if you and him do have a kid, he/she will always be second to Tyler.

With that I smiled and left not even waiting for a response.

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