Chapter 15

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"Are you going to ask Naru to go for a date with you today?" Temari asked when she walked out of class and bumped into Itachi. They took a turn left towards their lockers whilst Itachi answered, saying yes he was going to do that. They were walking briskly to avoid the crowd. The two froze when they saw someone pinned to the wall by someone screaming viciously at the other. Itachi had caught his name in the scream as they finally registered who was pinned to the wall. "Let him go, b*tch!" Temari shouted causing the girl to jump in fright, releasing Naruto whose eyes rolled back and he collapsed in a heap on the ground. Itachi rushed to Naruto as Temari grabbed the girl who was screaming profanities at Temari. This attracted the attention of many students and teachers as they rushed to see what was going on. "Let me go! Teacher!! Someone help keep!! This woman is insane! She's trying to kill me!"
"What?" Temari growled. "You were the one trying to kill someone! Look at what you did!" Temari snarled, pointing to Naruto who was in Itachi's arms as he checked for any heartbeat. Everyone who saw gasped in horror at the blue-black hand prints on Naruto's neck. The teachers went over to help Temari as Itachi stood up and the crowd parted quickly to let him pass with a limp blond in his arms. Itachi rushed to the nurse while Temari stayed to help the teachers by giving her account of what had happen.

Naruto's eyes fluttered open, his eyelids felt like they were glue shut. The lights bounded him momentarily, making him squeeze his eyes shut. He blinked, trying to clear his blurry vision. His neck throbbed painful as his memories flooded back to him when he wondered how he got to where he was now. He turned his head slightly to see Itachi looking up at the ceiling. "Itachi." Naruto rasped out weakly, reaching his arm out to try touch Itachi to make sure he was real and that Naruto wasn't dead and imagining things. Said man's attention snapped towards the voice, he glided onto his feet gracefully and reached Naruto in half a step. He kneeled down beside the bed as he allowed the boy to trace his face with his fingers and run his hand through his hair. Naruto's touches sent butterflies fluttering in his stomach. It was a nice feeling... He likes how Naruto is being so gentle.
"What happened?" Naruto asked weakly. Itachi explained briefly from whatever they saw till now. Temari had dropped by quickly a while ago to say that there was evidence against the girl and all the girl's threats were recorded. She had disappeared soon after because she had to go to her extra lesson and Itachi was finished anyways so he stayed to wait for Naruto to wake up at the nurse's office. Naruto gripped Itachi's jacket tightly, as if afraid that Itachi would disappear. Itachi stood, picking Naruto up and sitting down before making Naruto sit in his lap. Naruto curled up instinctively, wrapping his arms around Itachi and hugging him like his life depended on it. Naruto buried his face into the crook of Itachi's neck. He held the boy wordlessly. "Please don't leave me." Naruto whispered, almost sounding like a whimper.
"I won't." Itachi reassured, holding the boy tighter.
"What time is it now?"
"Almost 5. You were out for two hours." Itachi informed.
"... You stayed here the whole time?"
"Yeah." Itachi confirmed. "Let's go. We're going on a date." Itachi said, sliding off the bed whilst carrying Naruto and walked out.

"... So you guys are actually serious?"
"About?" Itachi queried, taking a sip from his tea.
"About both dating me."
"I am. I think Temari is too." Itachi answered truthfully, his long eyelashes lowered slightly as he looked down. He peered at Naruto through his lashes and noticed he sported a nice blush. "I could live with that." Naruto mumbled, eating his rice. Itachi gazed at Naruto fondly as he wondered where he should bring the boy next. "What do you want to do?" Itachi finally decided to ask. Naruto looked up from his food, not speaking for a while as he was thinking about how he should answer Itachi since he has no idea what to do. Itachi waited patiently as Naruto thought about his question. He could literally see Naruto going through a list of things they could do that would please both of them. "We can do anything?" Naruto asked and Itachi nodded. Naruto then nodded his head slowly as a small smirk graced his lips. "Finish your food. I'll bring you somewhere." Naruto said.

"The arcade?" Itachi asked as Naruto had took his hand and led him there. All the response he got was a nod before being pulled inside. Naruto bought the card to play the arcade games. The cashier was eying Naruto up and down, trying to brush Naruto's hand when handing over the change and the card. Itachi glared at the man as Naruto turned to leave. Naruto dragged Itachi around playing all the games, racing and shooting and everything! Everything is so fun with Naruto.

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