Monique Roux (6)

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Heya fans and readers!

So this chapter should be a good one so please enjoy!

I would like to note that most of the information in this book will probably be made up! You could imagine it as a different dimension's version of the 2nd World War 2.

Thanks and enjoy!


Oxygen filled my lungs, filling my body with relief as it coursed down my gullet and slid into my waiting lungs. My chest rose, accepting the oxygen eagerly as it cooled my body, relaxing every tense muscle and stroking my exhausted lungs. I savoured that moment hungrily before instinct kicked in, forcing me to gulp at the air and refill my crippled body. The air rushed down all too willingly, bringing me to life as I breathed in deeply.

I slowly began to relax, tasting each breath I swallowed as my thundering heart began to beat less violently. My fingertips prickled as the blood returned to them and my senses began to focus, the sight before me beginning to develop.

Just as my taste buds reawakened and my nose brought me a harsh smell of burnt metal, something exploded within my head, driving forwards the most ear-splitting headache I had ever had. I gasped, clutching my head in my hands as I brought my knees to my chest, cradling myself as I tried to ignore the thundering ache.

Just as suddenly as the headache had come, a wave of images, memories and emotions crashed into my conscious mind, each flittering before my eyes before disappearing as if they had evaporated. First, there was an image of fire, then a memory of a mirror reflection revealing a beautiful blonde girl, next a handsome boy starring at her with a grin and another of a grey mare galloping across a field full of wildflowers. Others followed, each one seeming as random as the next; a wedding, praying in a church, whispering words to a chestnut stallion, playing on a beach, a soldier, a gold chain and hundreds more, not one seeming to connect with the other. Then there were the emotions... They appeared in between each picture, again all seeming random; sorrow, anger, pride, love, jealousy and hate seemed to crop up the most though there were many others.

The pictures and emotions continued to hammer into my vision, letting the headache grow unbearable and finally it stopped, coming to an abrupt halt. The last image of a dead soldier flew from my mind, disappearing with the mixture of emotions that seemed to be bound to it. I dropped my knees and flopped down, panting like a dog in the summer time. I huffed tiredly as I tried to make out what these images and emotions were and where they had come from but I was clueless.

I raced through all the things I had learnt back at home, in school, in work and in life in general but nothing seemed to explain this strange and frightening scenario.

Just as I was about to give up thinking about reasons, my lips flew open and words rushed out.

Vous êtes qui?” A sweet young voice gasped in a different language through my lips.

I froze. What was happening to me? Was I imagining things? How was I speaking like that? It culdn't be me, so who could it be? 

I began to tremble. I began shaking so hard that my vision blurred. My fingers had paused before my lips and were now bobbing around as I shook. Tears joined in with the trembling, leaving me blind as I quivered with terror. Questions repeated themselves in my head, each one answerless; who had spook? Why had they spoken? And most importantly, how the heck did they speak through my lips?

Finally, I leapt up, almost falling as I was vibrating so hard. I swung around, wiping the water from my eyes as I did, looking at my surroundings for the first time. I gasped, spinning on my heels as I tried to take everything in. I was surrounded by the debris of buildings and homes, nearly all crumpled into a huge mess. The few buildings that were standing were all severely damaged and black from whatever fire had destroyed the rest.

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