The Confession (2)

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Sorry that this chapter took so long, I have been dead for inspiration for all my stories for days!

So if this is rubbish, just tell me to redo and I will get to it!

Please enjoy!


I fiddled with my appearance uselessly as I stood in front of the mirror, using a wet finger to lengthen and darken my eyelashes. I was dressed in a navy blue suit and black high heels with my hair pulled up into a perfect bun and now all I could do was pull at a loose strand and ponder the upcoming event.

The court session was soon and I would be trialled. The public were welcome to watch and I had heard that it was going to be filmed. It would be though, of course it would! It was murder, the most highly punished crime in my world. Punishments for it were severe and could end up with being banished to a different universe for the rest of your life.

I don't know why I pleaded guilty but panic blurred my scenes and now I faced a trial. There was way too much evidence to say otherwise.

A tear presented itself with a tremor and I quickly brushed it away, breathing in deeply. I couldn't let the fear seep in. I wasn't afraid of the upcoming trial or the punishment to come. I was afraid to accept, accept that I killed. Now I was one of the people I had seen on TV; one of the people that I had looked upon with disgust. I was one of them.

I collapsed down to the floor and put my head in my hands with a shaky sob. What would my family think? What would my parents think? What would the world think?

"What have you done Taro?" I whispered so quietly I barely heard myself.

I leaned back against the wall and breathed deeply for a while, slowly pulling myself together.

"You can do this," I said strongly and rose.

I was currently in the small cell room that had been allocated to me and now I was preparing for court after having spent five days in jail. They had given me the suit but refused me any of my makeup so now I was trying to make myself look presentable.

I licked my lips to give them a shine and popped my index finger into my mouth before stroking it up my eyelashes repeatedly, thanking them mentally for the brush, grips and nets for my hair.

I straightened out an invisible crease in my sleeve and stood up straight before smothering my worried face with a blank expression. I nodded to myself.

There was a clank and the door opened to reveal an officer dressed in smartly pressed uniform.

"Miss Fox," she said without emotion.

I nodded, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It was time. I washed away the terrified emotion and remained expressionless.

"Time you faced yourself Taro," I murmured quietly.


"All stand for the jury," a voice rang out.

We all rose with the scraping and clattering of chairs as twelve people entered. Seven women and five men I counted when we took our seats again and then the judge asked for the opening statements.

A police officer stood up and spoke clearly, "Miss Taro Eve Fox was arrested on suspicion of murder of Mister Roy Charles Anderson. The subject pleads guilty."

So the trial began.

My lawyer, the defender, spoke but I barely heard a word he said. My heart began to pound louder and louder as the prosecutor, a man by the name of Jeffery Barnes, stepped up to give his statements. Everything they said was a blur so that all I heard was the pounding. Pressure was building up inside of me, sending up waves of guilt and fear, slowly making me tremble.

I searched the room, feeling the urge to find escape routes but all the doors were guarded by two police officers. The room was full of people, everyone crowded into the stands, the majority sitting in green chairs and just to the right, a film crew was set up with the camera currently focused on Mister Barnes.

I heard vaguely the judge call up the first witness and I recognised the name she called.

"Elizabeth Turner, would you be happy to serve as witness?" The judge said; her voice not as harsh as earlier.

I turned to stare at Elizabeth, now ignoring the pounding. It was her. It was the woman my fiancé had fallen for. Rage, anger and hurt burned my insides and it took all my energy not to sob. The woman was simply beautiful, currently wearing a black pencil skirt, white shirt and black blazer that somehow managed to not make her look any less beautiful. Her beautiful blonde hair hung loose, straight strands settling above her shoulder blades and her large brown eyes were watery. The look of innocence about her couldn't have been more believable and jealousy fumed within me.

"Yes," she said, her feminine tone ringing out in her answer.

The defender and the prosecutor both gave their testimony, gathering what little information out of her to help them win the case.

I did not hear any of their questions. I did not hear any of the words spoken around me. I was unaware of the cameras watching my trial. I could not see the jury or the judge, not the police officer at my side or my lawyer gallantly defending me. All I could see was her.

Then I closed my eyes. I don't know why but I did. I remembered my family, my childhood, my first love, my first kiss, my engagement and finally the dagger in my bare hands.

You did it Taro; time you faced up to it, a voice whispered in my head.

I opened my eyes. I stood.

Everyone turned and looked at me curiously, fearfully, angrily and most of all hatefully.

Maybe this was how people would look upon me from now on; all hatred and anger. They would never understand why I killed him and to be honest, I don't think they would want to understand. There was so much hatred and anger in the world so they all waited for someone to pin it to.

I was sorry for what I did. I was sorry for disappointing my family, sorry for shaming my parents. I was sorry for the grief I caused my victims family and I was sorry for the anger and fear I had gave my country.

I looked at every face, made contact with every eye. My lips parted and I spoke.

"I did it," my shaky voice rang out. "I killed him because he killed me."

Finally a tear fell down my cheek and I heard it land on my hand, seeming to echo in the shocked silence. I lowered my head and stared at the teardrop. I had done it. I nodded to myself mentally and finally I fell to the ground, the stress seeming to weigh me down. I sighed and finally fainted into sleep.

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