Chapter 30: Togetherness

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Brooklyn POV

My mom decided that since I'm going to have the baby in the next few weeks, everyone needs to get together to celebrate it. I love my family and all but I hate getting together, everyone is in everyone's business and its just not fun for me. I always have that one aunt that has to know every little detail about everyone and if you don't give her enough detail then she'll ask any question that just happens to pop in her head. I also have that one conservative person that somehow got in the family, most the time its by marrying someone. Last time we had a dinner, I was a few months pregnant and my "aunt" kept asking about the father and if I'm ready to be a single mother. I wish I could say no to this dinner but I cant get out of it and the worst part is Zack things its a good idea that I go.

The doorbell rang but I couldn't get it since I have a whales stomach pretty much so Zack has to get it. I hear silence then a bunch of arguing.

"Zack who is it?"

"Nobody honey. Don't get up." he replied. When someone tells me not to get up, that means I need to get up. I grabbed on to the couch's armchair and pulled myself up that way. Good thing I have a lot of muscle in my arms or I would be screwed. I walked out of the living room and walked to the front door area. I couldn't see who Zack was talking to because he's super tall and was blocking my view. I walked over and stopped when I got to Zack's side and could see exactly who was at the door, uninvited.

"What are you doing here and why are you here? And how did you find out where we live?" I growled.

"Well hello to you too. My older daughter told me you were engaged, thinking I already knew but I didn't. I googled Zack, apparently he has a very famous family so it wasn't hard to find out where you currently live."

"Why are you here?" Zack snarled with way less patience that I might've had. "Brooke and Mel might be your biological children but they sure as hell don't consider you their father."

"Actually Melissa talks to me every once and a while. Its nice to know I raised one of my daughters right. I wanted to ask you is walking you down the aisle. The father is supposed to do it so here I am."

"You didn't fucking raise us! You left my mom to do it and she sure as hell did a fucking good job." I was at the point where I was shaking, I was so pissed off right now. At Melissa for telling him and at myself for being calmer earlier. "You're right about my dad walking me down the aisle," he started to smirk and it made me sick to my stomach "he might not be my biological father but hes a lot more of a father figure than you will ever be to me."

"Well how do you see me? Maybe we can fix this relationship."

Zack was about to say something and judging by his facial features it wasn't going to be anything politically correct so I decided to cut him off, "you are a sperm donor to me. That's it, nothing more and as time goes on, it will be even less. Good day Adam."

Zack tried to slam the door but Adam cut the door off with his foot.

"You do not talk to your father like that. Its incredibly rude and disrespectful."

"Let me make one thing very clear, crystal clear. A father is someone who contributes to the physical creation of a child from whom the sperm has been obtained to fertilize the mother's ovum. That's it nothing more nothing less. A dad is someone who makes his family his first priority, nothing else. The best way for me to determine if you're a father or not, is to ask myself if you left us, and the answer is yes, so therefore your a father or a sperm donor, you can pick which one you like more."

"But I'm here now. Doesn't that count for anything."

"No! You are 19 years too late. If Melissa wants to be stupid thats fine but I will never have any ounce of respect for you as long as a shall live. Until you can figure out how much damage you've actually done, don't ever contact my family or friends. Have a good life Adam."

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