Chapter 4

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Angel was grinning as she and Alex walked through the door of their final class after the bell rang. She'd never had a better first day. As soon as they were in the hallway, Amanda and Tiffany caught up to them, and started talking to them about a band that was playing at a club the upcoming weekend.

"You should come with us, Angel," Tiffany was saying.

"If I'm not working, I will," she quickly agreed.

"Where do you work?" Rachel asked as she and Tommy joined the group by Tiffany's locker. Surprisingly it was close to her own, so she didn't have to leave her new friends to put her books away.

"Um, I work at Walmart. I start at four," she said as she glanced at her watch. She still had twenty five minutes before she had to be there, and it was only three blocks down the road. She had plenty of time.

"Cool," Tommy said, a big grin on his face. "A working girl!"

Rachel elbowed her boyfriend in his ribs. "Just because she has a job does not mean you get to mooch off her, you big lug!"

Tommy grinned at her, a mischievous glint in his eye, "I wouldn't dream of it!"

No one seemed to believe him as they all laughed when Rachel continued to glare at him. Angel just shook her head at him.

"Just because I have a job doesn't mean I have money to blow. Some of us have to work and pay bills to survive," she said good natured.

"Oh, hey!" Bobbie suddenly shouted as if he was struck by lightening. "That's right! You have your own place."

A chorus of "Oh, yeas" followed his statement, and she quirked an eyebrow at them all.

"What?" she asked warily. Bobbie's mischievous grin unsettled her slightly. He looked like the ideas going through his mind would cause him to be up to no good.

"Oh, nothing, just, we could all hang out at yours without having to worry about 'parental supervision'" he laughed.

Angel rolled her eyes and shook her head. Teenage boys, she thought ruefully. She glanced at her watch again, and noticed it was nearly time for her shift to start, so she said her goodbyes, and promised to meet her new friends in the parking lot the next morning.


"Jared," Tommy called out as he and his pack mates walked through the door to the large pack house. He kissed his mates cheek before heading towards his brother's office, wanting to share the information they had gathered that day. He was more than positive Angel was the girl his alpha had wanted him to find. "Jared," he called again as he stopped outside the door and knocked before stepping through.

"What, Mutt?" Jared asked, a phone pressed to his ear as he worked on his computer.

"I think I found your mystery girl," he said as he flopped down in the chair opposite his brother.

"Luke, I'll have to call you back," Jared said into the phone before hanging up on his father's old business manager.

Jared was only twenty-three, but he was already the CEO of several lucrative businesses in Springfield and the surrounding area. He'd taken over for his father as pack leader and businessman when his parents had died in an automobile accident two years before. He'd also had to take over the custody of his little brother.

"What did you find?" he asked Tommy, trying to control the unsettling twinge of hope that shot through his body at the thought that the girl was within reach.

"There was a new girl at school today, Angel Jacobson. She's eighteen, just moved here, no family, and wolf," Tommy said.

"What did she look like?" Jared prompted when his brother stopped.

Tommy shrugged. "Tall, blond hair, green eyes. Cute."

"That sounds like her," Jared sighed in relief.

"Awesome," Tommy said with a grin. "We're meeting up with her tomorrow before school."


"The group. We introduced ourselves at lunch. She's pretty cool. I think Alex is starting to develop a baby crush on her," Tommy replied. A huge grin broke out on his face as he heard a low growl come from his alpha. He had guessed his brother might have been attracted to the girl, and his possessive growl confirmed his suspicion. "I suspect that he would have tried to lure her here, if not for the fact she had to go to work."

"She has a job?" Jared questioned.

"Yea, she said she was starting today at Walmart. I don't know what her schedule is for that, but I'm thinking she kinda needs it. Like I said, she doesn't have a family. She's been in foster care until last week, when she turned eighteen. Her foster family kicked her out, and she moved in somewhere around here."

"Where's she from? Did you find that out?"

"She said Springfield, but she didn't say much more than that. Well other than the fact her real parents left her in the hospital when she was born, and her adoptive parents "returned" her when they divorced," Tommy said, a sympathetic expression on his face.

"Good job, Tommy," Jared said, dismissing the boy, before turning to his computer and firing up his search engine. He typed in the girls name, and hit enter. Within seconds, a page full of links was pulled up. He clicked on the one for Facebook, and was met with a small picture of two girls smiling at the camera with their arms around each other.

Squinting, he studied the picture. The one on the left was a short haired red headed girl with freckles scattered across her button nose and slightly chubby cheeks. He smiled as he recognized the girl on the right. It was the same girl. He tried to look at her page, but she had the privacy settings set so only her friends could view it. "Smart girl," he thought as he saved the small profile picture.

He closed the web browser, and opened his email.






Alpha Jordan, In your email, you asked me to keep you informed if and when I found out anything more about the girl I mentioned in my first missive.

I am happy to report that one of my pack members has found and identified the girl in question. Her name is Angel Jacobson and she has just turned eighteen. I have attached a picture of her, but unfortunately, it is not a very good one. It is one that was found on the Internet, but you can still make out her features.

Please, take a look at the photograph, and let me know if she does, in fact, resemble your sister. If so, I would be more than happy to set up a time for you and a few of your enforcers to visit.

In the mean time, I will attempt to make contact with the girl. Hopefully, she wouldn't be adverse to joining one of our packs.

Thank you,

Jared Michaels


He read over his email, found it suitable, and hit send.

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