Chapter 29

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Tommy watched as Jared paced the small room, slowly going insane. His brother, the strongest man he knew, the man who had helped anchor him when they had lost their parents, hardly shedding a tear as he dealt with his own grief while trying to keep their pack together, was about to lose control as he waited for his mate to regain consciousness. It had already been over twenty four hours, and Angel, the sister of his heart, was still out.

Alyssa, Derrick's friend's mate, and embodiment of The Goddess, had helped heal her right after her uncle Robert had shot her. And even though the bullet had been silver, Alyssa believed she should make a full recovery. It was now up to Angel to decide if she would live or not.

He sighed. The waiting was the hardest part. And the hospital room Robert's old pack had didn't exactly lend itself to feeling comfort. The stark white walls and plain twin sized bed only lent an air of someone having lost their mind when it came to the antiseptics used to sterilize everything. Tommy felt uncomfortable just leaning against the door to the small room. Derrick and Angel's mother, Rebecca, didn't look much more comfortable in the two small chairs someone had found in another part of the house and brought in for the new Alpha and her mate.

A slight rustling noise came from the bed, alerting everyone in the room that something was happening with Angel. Jared was by her side in a heartbeat, holding her hand, whispering quietly. Tommy straightened up as Angel slowly cracked an eye open, then promptly shut it again, a slight groan escaping her throat before she could stop it.

"Ssh, Little One. It's alright," Jared crooned to his mate. "You're safe now. Rebecca's safe. Robert can't hurt you ever again."

Angel heard a soft growl come from the other side of her bed, and slowly turned her head to see who had voiced their dislike for her mother's brother. She was slightly surprised to see her parent's sitting on the edge of their seats, anxious to see her, but restraining themselves, just barely. She gave them a small smile before turning back to Jared.

"What happened to him?" She asked. She winced at the gravelly sound of her own voice. How long had she been unconscious, she wondered to herself.

Derrick drew her attention back to them as he cleared his throat and quietly spoke.

"After he shot you, your mother shifted and tore his throat out. He can't hurt anyone anymore, baby," he told her as he squeezed her free hand.

"The bullet... it was silver..." she said as she fought against a sudden feeling of exhaustion.

Jared squeezed her had and watched as Angel fought against the heaviness of her own eyelids. "We know, Little One. Alyssa was able to heal you after we she got it out of you."

"Oh?" Angel murmured, not fighting the drop of her eyelids any more.

"Rest, Little One, and I'll tell you everything, once you wake up, again," Jared said as he leaned over and kissed her forehead.

"Okay," Angel sighed as sleep dragged her under once more.


The first thing Angel felt when she woke up was an insistent pressure on her bladder. A small groan escaped her lips as she tried to sit up to swing her legs off the bed she was laying on. A small tug on the back of her hand caused her to look down, and she noticed a small needle and line sprouting out of her hand leading to a pole with wheels on it. Her momentary confusion was dispelled as she glanced around the room and realized she was in some sort of infirmary.

The door to her room opened and a short, gray haired, balding man wearing a white lab coat walked in. He was carrying a clip board with him, a pair of glasses perched on his bulbous nose. If she didn't have to pee so badly, she might have laughed and yelled, "Inconceivable!" at him. Then she noticed Jared following him into the room, holding a tray laden with food. Her stomach growled, but she pushed the thought of food from her mind as she grabbed the i.v. pole and stood up.

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