Chapter Thirty-Three

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I was sleeping alone for the third night. Meilin hadn't come to me and he was still healing from the wound. The attacker had been caught but unfortunately, it was Remus that had found him. Meilin had wanted to question him and personally deal with him, but Remus had killed him easily and quickly, dashing that thought away.

Shifting in the bed, I stared up at the ceiling, a sigh escaping my lips as I turned sideways, until I was staring at the moonbeams glowing on the floor of my room. Although it was inappropriate of me to think it since Meilin was injured and couldn't possibly do much without ripping open his stitches, I wanted to feel his touch once more, my body practically aching for it.

I pressed both of my hands against my heated cheeks, my breath coming hitched as I controlled the memories of our wedding night. I buried my head into the pillow, trying to calm myself since there were other matters to worry about.

When I couldn't get his image out of my head, I abruptly sat up in bed and pushed the covers off of me. My Father always told me that the worst thing to do when you couldn't fall asleep was to try to fall asleep. Heeding his words, I walked across my room and tied the sleeping robes securely around me, my long hair reaching down to my waist, unrestrained and loose. I hesitated when I reached my door but I pushed it open without thinking and slipped out, padding along the halls silently.

After passing through various hallways, I rounded the corner and came close to Meilin's room. I hesitated before pushing the door open and slipping inside. I didn't bother knocking because if he was asleep, I didn't want to wake him up. Meilin was a light sleeper and if the sound of my voice was enough to lull him out of his sleep, I was positive a knock on the door would have the same effect.

When I entered the main room, I couldn't believe that the entire Peccata were sprawled around the room. Remus was fast asleep on one of the couches while Thera was on the one adjacent to his. Nikator had thrown a blanket on the ground and was lying next to Atreus, who was also sleeping. Minos was sleeping on the ground a little farther than Nikator, and Vita was lying on another couch.

The door to the bedroom was wide open and from my vantage point, I could see Meilin sleeping on it. My heart trembled at the sight of the Peccata; they were so worried for him that they slept in his room?

Tiptoeing past them, I slipped into Meilin's room, smiling when I saw him lying on his back, his eyes shut closed. Moonlight filtered in through the window and as I stepped deeper inside the room, I thought about the first time I had met him and how much fear I had been choking on. Even now, there was a part of me that feared the intimidating and powerful man before me, but there was another part of me that knew that he wouldn't hurt me and that he wasn't wholly bad.

Still, was I able to look past the darkness tainting his aura? Was I able to forget that he killed people, that he wasn't afraid to hurt others, and that his path consisted of evil?

Although he was negative in my positive world, I couldn't forget his soft kisses, the way he was gentle with me, and the way he called me his little rabbit.

I slowed at the foot of his bed and rounded towards him quietly, seating myself on the edge of the bed as I brought a hand to his face. I swept his hair aside gently, tracing the side of his face and staring at his pale features. His skin was so clear it was like porcelain, but his eyes were so contrasting; they were such a dark shade of sin, so unfathomable and unreadable, so ebony colored.

I hadn't been able to see him ever since he got stabbed, since he was busy on ensuring that every single traitor among the ranks were eliminated. He was more adamant than ever and more absorbed in his work, and he was slightly immobilized, though he still moved—Bohai and Fang tried to stop him as much as possible.

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