Drakkon 2 (Black Jade) - three

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As expected of the palace, the party was just as grand as I imagined it to be. I had never been to formal events other than my wedding, so I wasn't too sure on the level of luxury the Wang family was spending for the party, but it was extravagant to my eyes. Maybe to other nobles it was normal, but I was left speechless when I entered the scene. The theme of the party seemed to be white lilies, because they were everywhere. Gold and pearl lilies encroached the walls, the pillars, and the table décor. A dance performance with beautiful women clad in white shimmering dresses took the center of the room, while a group of musicians in silver garments took the one end of the room. There was a bustle of people sitting, eating, drinking, standing, or dancing with the music. A feeling of unease settled into my bones. It was excessive. Was the Wang family showing off their wealth, or was this normal for nobles?

I spotted Meilin almost instantly on an elevated dais, his seat made of gold, crystals, and thick leather. It glittered just like the rest of the gold and glitz in the hall. For a moment, my steps faltered and everyone's image around me shifted and misted together in colorful, sparkling blurs. My stomach twisted further and I had to fight the urge to turn around and leave. Because all of this—this wealth—was something I wasn't accustomed to.

"Lady Daiyu?"

Bohai broke me out of my reverie with a gentle smile, his eyebrows raised in question. He looked just as surprised as I was that I was here. Truthfully, I couldn't figure out why I decided to come, because now that I was here, I wanted to run back to my room. But I couldn't show such a shameful face to Bohai, Meilin's righthand man.

I mustered the most generous grin I could. "Bohai, so nice to see you."

"I didn't know you would be here," Bohai said, scratching the back of his head and glancing at the entrance I had come from. "Did you just get here? They didn't announce your entrance?"

I stilled. "Was I supposed to be announced?"

"Typically, there's an announcement whenever the emperor and empress enter a formal event."

"Oh ..." I shifted on my feet and shook my head. "There's no need for such formalities with me. I'm sure they forgot."

He frowned, but nodded. "Anyway ... How have you been? Meilin told me it's been hard on you, having a baby and all."

"It's a lot to adjust to, but I'm managing."

"Fang told me Jia is also struggling." He sighed. "I don't think she's visited the palace ever since she gave birth to Jun."

Guilt formed in my chest like a heavy anchor. Jia and I gave birth around the same time so it wasn't unexpected that we both were toggled down with motherly duties and responsibilities. I made a mental note to check up on her as soon as possible.

"Kang has been having a hard time adjusting too," Bohai said. "He goes from being an only child to suddenly having a brother. Plus, he's been talking about how Jia and Fang love Jun more since Jun isn't adopted. Just a whole lot of drama going on in that household."

I cringed. "That sounds incredibly stressful to deal with."

"Yeah, I'm glad I don't have a wife or kids to deal with that kinda stuff."

"You don't plan on marrying?"

He laughed, before running a hand through his brown hair. His gaze drifted to the crowd of nobles laughing and eating, jewelry hanging off their wrists and necks. "I don't plan on it, but I'm in a political position," he finally settled with.

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