Chapter 17

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I keep listening intently trying to hear anything that can answer the questions wavering over my head. But they say nothing. The forest is filled with complete silence for what seems like an eternity. I slowly peer over the top of the bush I'm behind, and try to get a good look at the men.

That's when I feel the hand on my shoulder. I turn around and my heart drops. In front of me sits an unfamiliar face, but I know that he does not wish to help me. He quickly shouts to the other men, after putting a bag over my head.

I wake up some time later, in a room. It's the same room that Tyler locked me in earlier. But this time I'm not strapped to the bed. Instead I sit, tied to a chair sitting underneath a small window above me.

The door unlocks, and Tyler walks in with two other men, who I assume are Justin and Ryan. One of the men is dressed in a black T-shirt, and jeans. He has short brown hair, which is spiked up above his furrowed brow. The other man is shorter than the brunette, and wears a similar black T-shirt and jeans. He has short blonde hair that falls in tufts on his sun-burnt forehead. He carries a laptop with him.

"So you're the brat who we've been chasing this week?" says the brunette.

"Shut up Ryan, you haven't done anything," says Tyler.

I just stare at both of them in confusion, not knowing what to say.

The blonde, Justin, sits down on the bed and opens up his laptop, his fingers typing furiously on the keys.

I finally get the courage to say something,

"Why were you chasing me? He's the one you should be after," I say, motioning towards Tyler.

"Him? Why him?" says Ryan.

"He killed my friend, my parents," I feel the tears start to fill my eyes,"and...Connor."

Ryan shoots Tyler a confused look, and looks back at me,

"You're kidding right?" says Ryan.

"No. I'm not kidding! Why the hell would I be kidding about everyone I love dying!?" I shout at him.

"No, I know your friend and your parents are dead, but this guy over here didn't kill them," He says glaring at me.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I manage to yell between tears.

"You killed them," says Ryan flatly.

His words pound in my brain, giving me a sudden headache. I shake my head, and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block out the madness of everything surrounding me.

"I didn't kill anybody," I say. The anger in my voice is unmistakable.

"Well he certainly didn't," says Ryan, pointing to Tyler.


Ryan shakes his head, and Tyler stands next to him quietly. Why hasn't he said a word? What's going through his brain? Justin sits behind Tyler on the bed, still typing on his laptop.

"Look, calm down. You are obviously delusional about this--" starts Ryan.

"No! No, I am not delusional! There has been a mistake and Tyler is trying to frame me!" I say.

"Tyler, works for the FBI, along with Justin and I. We have enough evidence to prove you killed your friend Brianna and your parents. I'm not sure who Connor is, however." Ryan says.

I'm lost. I have no idea what's going on.

"What do you mean you don't know who Connor is? He flew here with you guys! He came on...on a helicopter!"

Ryan turns around to Justin, and back to me.

"What was Connor's last name?"

I think back to when I was first introduced to Connor, but I can't think of it. I can't think of anything.

"Evans," I say quickly. I'm not sure how I know, or why I know, but I am almost certain that that's his last name.

Ryan nods to Justin and he begins clicking a bunch of keys on his computer.

He stops typing and motions Ryan over to his laptop. Ryan rubs his eyebrows in the same spot I do, when I feel a headache coming on.

"I'm sorry, Kaitlyn. Connor Evans is dead," he says.

"I know, that's what I've been telling you. Tyler shot him when we were--" I say.

"No, Kaitlyn...Connor died 12 years ago." Ryan says.

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