Chapter 11

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I approach the jet my mom sent, and rapidly run inside. Of course everything looks first class. Its large, and ornate, with food and drinks surrounding me everywhere I look. I'm not hungry, or thirsty. I just want to get to the island and fast.

I look around and see about 5 flight attendants. Two in the front of the jet, two in the back, and one almost directly next to me. Its a bit awkward having them all there for my needs. Especially when I don't have any.

I ask the one next to me for an eye mask, and he grabs one and returns only seconds later. I thank him and put the eye mask on. After getting myself comfortable I fall asleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Excuse me, ma'am? We're here," says one of the flight attendants, as she nudges my shoulder.

I pull the eye mask up over my head and stand up. The flight has gone by quicker than I expected. I smile to myself, thank each of the many flight attendants and head out the exit.

The tropical smell of the island fills my nose. And the sun is beaming down on me. I see my mom in the distance and run over and hug her.

"I'm so glad you're here," she says. I pull away from the hug and look into her eyes. A single tear falls from her eye and she quickly wipes it away.

"I'm glad too," I say. She leads me inside her grand mansion, and I see my dad, Christian, sitting down in his study reading a book. He looks up at me from behind his reading glasses and smiles,

"There's my girl." He stands up and walks over to me, "Are you okay?" he says, as he places his hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, I'm fine. I think I just need some rest," I say, even though I slept the entire flight here.

"Alright. You know where the bedroom is," says Allison, half smiling at me.

I nod and walk up the stairs with my small suitcase and find my room. I walk in and a familiar sense of home rushes through me. I've never lived here, but I realize that being here with my mom and dad is more of a home than what I remember.

When I was younger, my parents were never home. They were always out somewhere, either traveling, or working, or doing some other extravagant thing. All while I sat at home alone. I have no siblings, and I had nothing to do. I wasn't allowed to leave the house alone. When I finally finished High School, I moved away immediately. I haven't had contact with my parents for a while, but now that they've retired, maybe I can spend more time with them. To make up for all the time lost as a kid.

I sit myself down on the bed and lay my head down. I pull the blankets up over myself and fall asleep...


I jolt up and look around my dark room. I stand up and sneak over to the door. As I open it, I can hear the scurrying of feet across the floor downstairs. My heart beat quickens and I quietly step out of the room. I lift each foot off the ground and place it in front of the other until I reach the stairs. I carefully inch myself to the bottom of the stairs and walk over to a wall.

"Please dont!" I hear my mom say.

She begins sobbing, and I peek around the wall to see her on her knees, with her hands on her head. In front of her is a man...

Is it..? No it can't isn't. Who is it?

My mother lets out a loud blood curdeling scream, as two gunshots are fired through her chest. She falls to the ground with a loud thud. I peek around the corner of the wall a bit more and see my dad's body laying next to hers. I gasp, and the man turns around. I swiftly turn around and head back towards the stairs.

"I know you're here..." says an all too familiar voice.

I creep back up the stairs as quietly as possible and walk back into my room. The door opens with a creak.

I stop suddenly, and turn around to see if the man has followed me. I can see his dark shadow spread across the ground downstairs. He turns around the corner of the wall and looks up at me making direct eye contact.

The memories instantly flood my mind; Tyler is once again standing over Brianna, and he looks up into my eyes with that vicious look in his eyes.

And I realize, he's found me again. I failed to get away, and now my parents are dead because of it; because of me.

I quickly run inside the room and shut the door. He knows I'm here now, what's the point of being quiet? I look around for an escape and see an open window above the bed. I bolt across the room, to the bed and hoist myself up to the window sill.

Tyler starts banging on the door.

"LET ME IN NOW. THIS HAS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH!" he screams. He continues pounding on the door.

I fling one leg over the side of the window sill and gaze down at the ground far below me. Its a long way down.

Tyler continues his effort to get in, by shooting the door hinges and throwing himself against the door.

I take a deep breath, and take the risk. I jump down from the window sill and land on the hard ground.

*SNAP* A jolt of pain rushes throughout my body and I look down at my disfigured ankle. It starts throbbing, but I force myself into the lush forest, trying to ignore the pain.

Stalking FearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora