Faded Blood

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I stared in horror at the nearly unrecognizable man standing outside my living-rooms sliding glass door,barely able to contain a scream as I took in his drawn features and unearthly countenance, with blood covering his ragged, fraying clothes.

"Aria..." He croaked.

That's when his voice caught my attention. Could it be my brother, Addison? I lifted my body up off the lumpy, brown earth colored couch and moved for the door. The door seemed to entrench the more I pulled it open. It must of snagged on something but there was nothing I could see. Finally, with considerable effort, it burst open.

"What happened,Addison?" I gasped.

"It's...It's going to..." He stopped, his breath failing, his voice fading away with every word that came out. His voice use to be like honey, concealing the bitterness of tea.Now -raspy-his voice seemed to drift away.

His eyes got heavier, while his body began to drop as he slipped and collapsed, crashing down onto the cold, hard, ground.

"Addison!!!" I screamed. Kneeling down by him. Slipping my arm under his head for support.

"You can't die on me! I love you, Addison!" I wept, with tears flowing down my freckled face.

"I lo..." Addison started to say taking his last breath. With a single tear streaked down his cold,bloodless face.

I lay his head down as I observed his life. I shook my head in horror. I'd known this would be a bad day when I'd found the dog chewing up my rabbit fur boots. But I never expected this. To see my only sibling die in front of me. I like to think I am a strong person, but this experience left me devastated. No amount of Super Glue could fix my aching heart. That's when his image began to fade and he was gone.

I woke up with a sharp feeling of terror running through my veins and the loud painful pounding in my head. Sweat poured down my face like I'd been standing in the shower. It had all seemed so real, but as I glanced in my brothers room. There he was sleeping soundly in his queen sized bed. A sigh of relief crossed my mind. "I love you, Addison." I whispered.

When a elegant caramel colored hand touched my broad shoulders. I jumped, almost taking my feet off the tiled floor. My heart began racing as I whipped around, without letting the worst idea cross my mind. That's when I seen him. My brother's best friend, Carter. His blonde bangs curved to one side covering his right eye. His black hooded sweat shirt, and the knife in his fist. Told you not to mess with him. His breath even smelled intoxicated with alcohol.

"Carter, put the knife down," I demanded. "Carter Please!"

I flung his hand off my shoulder, and tried to get away. Heart racing like a cheetah. As my body began to tremble with fear. Carter grabbed me by the waist, spun me around. An before I had the chance to scream. He took the sharp, knife and slashed my neck. I began feeling myself fall towards the obscured darkness. Slowly, I overturned myself, and found myself eye to eye with eyes filled with a mad, and wild fire. Then Carter slowly ambled towards my beloved brother's room.

"Addison!" I screamed despairingly, even as my eyes fogged over, and the slowly spreading pool of blood expanded. But it was to late. I saw a bright, glowing, light and then I was terminated.

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