I. Chapter 28 | Part 3 - Aubree

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As if sensing her fear, he said in a low voice, "You don't have to accept it. You don't ever have to see it. Just know that I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe so you can live a normal human life."

A normal human life.

Did that even apply to her anymore? How could anything ever be normal now?

She looked up to see his eyes looking out the sliding glass door to the backyard, clouded over with emotion. His hands were clenched into fists again at his sides, and she could tell that his own words were hurting him.

Her hands gripped the chair as her palms grew sweaty. She wanted to comfort him. To ease his own fears, but how could she do that when she was as terrified about what he was as he was to show her?

"And the vampires?" she asked. "What happened last night exactly?"

His face hardened as he set his jaw. "I got the answers to my questions."

Her eyebrows arched up. "Your questions? What were you trying to find out?"

"Whether or not they could spare your life because you're a human." His steely gaze remained fixed on the backyard.


He exhaled a breath he'd been holding, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down in his throat as he swallowed. His fortified stance broken, he closed his eyes. "It is as I thought. Even though you are a human, you are my soulmate, and they will do whatever it takes to kill you."

His voice seemed detached like he was disconnecting himself from the meaning of those words.

"Oh," was all she could say as she turned her gaze to the sliding door.

In other words, she told herself, you're screwed. Everything is screwed.

"I should have killed her when I had the chance," he muttered under his breath.

The thought of him killing anything was appalling and she grimaced at the thought—even if that being, undead or not, wanted to kill her first.

"So, why didn't you?" she asked.

"I lost my temper," he said, frowning. "I had her in my hands and I..."

He growled as he unclenched his fists and clenched them up tightly again.

"I took care of Adranus though," he stated. "And Gunner got the other one, so it wasn't a complete waste of effort."

"That's good, I guess," she mumbled, not sure who these characters were exactly, but it was probably in her best interest not to know.

"Not good enough," he said before he turned to face her now. "Though Adranus would have avenged Carina, she's the one we needed to take out, and she escaped."

Well, shit.

He let his words settle as he rubbed his face.

She pressed her own hand to her forehead before brushing her damp hair back.

"So," she said, heaving a sigh. "What do we do now?"

"That is your decision to make."

Aubree didn't know what to do.

Glancing at the cell phone on the table, she asked, "Can I call my parents and let them know that I'm okay?"

"Go ahead," he said, motioning for her to help herself to the phone with his hand. "Let them know that you're safe. Don't answer any of their questions about the attack. We need to discuss where we go from here and the next steps to take to ensure your safety. The less they know, the better."

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