Chapter 13

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After my two weeks of lying on the couch eating and sleeping, Louise said that I was getting fat and asked Jo if we could go to the beach. Quite frankly I have absolutely no idea what the beach is, I hope it's not like the vet. I start to shake. I don't want to go to the beach. Louise picked me up and walked to the front door, grabbed my leash off the hat rack and headed out the front door and over to the car. We heard Jo call out to Al, Josie and Toby, and soon all of us were in the car. Roo was currently not at home so Louise and I were in the front. Jo started the engine and we were off. Louise rolled down the window and I stuck my head out, trying to catch the air. I was so close but just as I closed my mouth the air would get away and tease me. I heard Toby and Josie giggling in the back as they played a game where they had to catch each other's thumbs. Al was just watching them with a look of dull amusement on his face. Then I was distracted again as I caught a new scent. It was dry and salty, I liked it and tried to wriggle out the window. But Louise held me fast. She's no fun. We turned into a parking lot and stopped. Louise rolled the window up, much to my disappointment. She clipped my leash onto my collar and opened the door, I jumped out as fast as I could, longing to go closer to the smell, I wanted to chase it. I ran as far as my leash would let me, which unfortunately wasn't very far. So I hurried back to Josie and tried again. Not working. I needed a new tactic. Then I saw Josie and Toby laughing and pointing at me. 

"Come on Sandy," Jo said, "Let's take you to the beach" I ran again as far as my leash would let me and this time it was working. I was on my back legs running while my front legs were in the air still running. I could faintly hear Josie laughing. I was panting really hard. "She doesn't realise that it would be so much easier if she just walked with us" Jo stated. I put my ears up as I heard this but refused to believe it. We slowly made our way down to the beach. By the time we got there I was panting hard, but soon got my breath back when I caught a million different scents and wanted to chase them but what I saw and heard kept me frozen to the spot. I never knew that water had a mind of its own, the water here was everywhere. It was getting bigger and then falling over make a really loud boom. I started shaking. This was worse than the vet, this was much worse. I hid behind Louise's legs. With my ears down and my tail between my legs, whining and shaking. They walked forward but I stayed. No way was I going down there. Louise tugged at my leash

"Come on Sandy," she said "It's not scary" What, did she just say it wasn't scary? She must be out of her mind the beach was terrifying. Louise handed my leash to Jo and she eventually started dragging me down to the beach by my leash. Stupid leash! Then my feet hit some weird yellow stuff and I jumped up in the air yelping. I jumped up everywhere, but it was chasing me in the air and I didn't like it, so I bit it. That was a bad mistake because it tasted disgusting, it was dry and stale, and made me want to vomit. So now I was trying to get it out of my mouth using my paws, but the thing was that my paws were covered in it, which only put more into my mouth. I could Josie laughing and saying

"Sandy's afraid of the sand, look at her" Then Louise looked at me pitifully and picked me up, I calmed down a bit, but the sand was still in my mouth and it tasted disgusting!

"Sandy," She said "Its just sand, It won't hurt you look and there's the waves and the water. Do you want to go for a swim?" I was still trying to get sand out of my mouth and I didn't really want to go in the water but I don't think I was the one who made that decision. Louise put me down and we went looking for a place to put our stuff. We found a nice shady spot and Jo put down a towel which I immediately sat on. Jo laughed, who can blame me it was comfortable.

"Sandy that was for me not you" I looked up at her apologetically but stayed where I was and she smiled. 

"Race you to the water" Toby cried and Al, Josie, Toby and Louise sprinted down to the water and ran in. Josie got hit by a small wave and fell over. I whined and wriggled around. I wanted her to get out. But then she got up giggling. I stood up and walked down to the beach. The water came up to the sand and I ran back. But then it went back so I came forward. My front paw touched the water and I leapt in the air in surprise. A ball was thrown over my head and into the water. I desperately wanted to chase it but the water was in the way so I was at the edge whining because I couldn't get to the ball. Then a wet black streak raced past me and into the water. It battled the waves and swam all the way to the ball. It grabbed the ball in its mouth and swam back out, using the waves to push it in. I watched as it got out. It was another dog. A black Labrador. I ran over to it and started sniffing. She started sniffing me. 

"Whitney" I heard someone yell "Whitney come here" I realised that Whitney was the name of the other dog. Whitney went over to her human and I followed. Her human, a man pick up the ball that Whitney dropped and put it in a weird sling thingo. 

"Hey, Whitney have you made a friend?" He asked and patted me on the head. "Do you know how to play fetch little buddy" I realised he was asking me but I had no idea what fetch was. I would just watch what Whitney did and copy her. Her human held the sling by the long stick, raised his arm over his shoulder and the pushed it forward and the ball came out of the sling and went flying in the air. Whitney ran after it and I followed. The ball landed in the water and Whitney went charging through leaving me at the edge whining. She grabbed the ball in her mouth and started swimming back. I went out into the shallows to meet her. We both walked in. She shook herself much to my surprise and got water all over me. Then she took off running halfway up the beach. She was a lot bigger than me so she was also a lot faster. She stopped and looked back at me waiting for me to catch up to her. I eventually did and we ran together to her human, Whitney said his name was Ben. Whitney dropped the ball and Ben picked it up put it in his sling thing and threw it again. The ball went flying and Whitney and I took off again. This time I went into the water and started swimming toward the ball with Whitney beside me. She was making sure I didn't drown. We battled wave after wave and then finally we reached the ball. I picked it up in my mouth and we swam back. This was easier than going out because the waves carried us in. Then we ran back up the beach and I gave the ball to Ben so he could throw it again. It was very tiring, and I decided I would introduce Whitney to Jo. She was sleeping so Whitney and I crept over, then I jumped on her and started licking her face. 

"Sandy," She said pushing me off. "Oh, who's this," She asked me. By now Ben had caught up to us. 

"I am very sorry," He said "I hope Whitney hasn't caused you any trouble," He said bending down and patting Whitney "We were playing fetch and your dog joined in, I think they became friends"

"Oh no Whitney wasn't annoying me, it was Sandy who jumped on me," Jo said. Whitney and I left them to talk, so we could explore some of the smells. Then we spotted a white bird and ran around chasing it until it flew into the trees. We fell asleep at the base of a tree. After a little while Jo, Ben and the kids came looking for us. It was time to go home. 


I am very sorry, I haven't updated in forever. The chapter is dedicated to kaykayheyhey for giving me the idea of introducing Sandy to the beach. Hope you guys liked it.  




Thanks heaps xx

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