Chapter 11

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I was lying on the couch watching Louise wrestle the tin of dog food away from a pouting Josie. I am always entertained by Josie's mood swings. If I could laugh I would have died by now. Louise finally managed to gently tug the tinned food away from Josie and walked over to my food bowl. Josie pouted and sat on the floor glaring at Louise. She scooped some food out and placed it in my bowl. I quickly jumped up, ran over to the bowl and gobbled my food down so fast I hadn't realised I had eaten it all until I was licking the floor looking for scraps. When I realised there was nothing on the floor I sat at Louise's feet begging for more. She looks at me and giggles 

"Sorry Sandy," she says "no more"
I look up at her as if to say I don't believe you. She laughs again.
Then I hear Jo's voice
"Louise, have you got Sandy's leash?"
What? We usually go for walks in the afternoon, Oh well, all the more fun for me.
My favourite thing about my everyday walks are the squirrels darting across the path and teasingly scurrying up the trees out of my reach. Every time I try to chase them Jo says heel and pulls me to her side. I do not know nor do I care what heel means. All I'm concerned about right now is the fact that I get to see the squirrels. I am so wrapped up I barely realised I had followed Jo and Louise outside and into the car. What?
Walks aren't drives, walks are walks. Aren't they? If I could shrug I would have, but I can't so instead I don't worry about it and put my paws up against the window sill. When Louise winds it down I'm ecstatic and stick my head out the window and try to catch the air. The drive was too short, I was having so much fun. 

I looked around and saw a very formal building, painted black and white. It was ugly. The sign on the roof read Everything For Your Pet. Cool I was getting new toys this is going to be great fun, I even get to pick them.

"Here we are" I heard Jo say, I turn around and look at her with my tongue hanging out the side of my mouth. 
"Mum, I don't think she'll like it. After all, it is the vet" Louise complained. All Jo did was nod. I looked at them as if they were crazy, of course, I'll like the vet, they will have toys... Won't they?

We walked in through the big double doors and found ourselves in a small waiting room with corridors leading off on either side. There were little potted plants on either side of the doorway and down the corridors. I could smell the nice fresh fragrance of frangipani perfume and feel the ruffle of my coat from the clean air coming out of the cooling system in the corner. There was a large desk at the front and on the phone, was an extremely plump woman with so much lipstick that majority of it covered her teeth. We stepped up to the desk and patiently waited for the woman to get off the phone. She placed it in its holder and looked at Jo and said 

"What can I do for you?" showing off her red teeth when she grinned. Jo raised her eyebrows in surprise. 

"Hello," She said formally "we're here to see Doctor Burnaby for Sandy please" the receptionist nodded. And told us to take a seat. 

Louise and Jo sat next to one of the windows and I lied down underneath Louise's chair. I was shaking with excitement even though Louise said I wouldn't like it. We watched as more patients came and more left. Then finally a man appeared at the left-hand side corridor and said

"Jo and Sandy." We stood up and I was pulling against my leash trying to run up and lick his face. He smiled at me, "This way please" He directed. We followed him down the hallway and off to a room on the right. He introduced himself as Dr Sam Burnaby and shook hands with Jo. 

I looked around the room. There weren't any toys here. What was happening? First no walk and now no toys. This was very unusual. There was a small, black desk in the corner and In the centre of the room was a giant, metal, extremely high off the ground. Louise lifted me onto the big table and told me I was a good girl, I licked her hand. Dr Burnaby sat at the desk talking to Jo.

"So that's all you've come for?" Dr Burnaby asked Jo

"Yes, and a checkup," she said

"Ok we'll have to make her sleep and when she wakes up she's going to be in a lot of pain. So don't push her too much. Small walks for exercise and let her lie down for the rest of the day." He explained.

I looked at Louise I'm going to sleep? But I'm too excited for that. No way is anyone going to get me to sleep. Louise looks at me sadly

"I'm sorry you have to get desexed Sandy," She said then the needle hit me.

Hey hoped you all liked that chapter, if you did please rate/comment.
Thanks, I love you all
LeaLa xx

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