Special chapter

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Special chapter

~Elliot pov~

"Archer please don't" me and him got a place together back in California. it took awhile because I went to see him graduate to only make it fair.

"Why not? its only paint" he smirked.

We started to paint our apartment not to long ago. most of the rooms were white ish pink but my bedroom was the colour of light purple.

"Because I said not to" I turned at him. he grabbed the paintbrush that was in the bucket of paint and painted my face with one strip of light purple paint going from my forehead to my chin.

"Now you look like your room" he smirked. I bent down and crack open a can of orange paint. I dipped my whole paintbrush in it and got up. I turned to Archer and painted his face orange.

"Hope you like that" I smirked.

"Oh it's on like donkey knock" he said. archer dipped his whole brush into the purple paint can and whipped paint at me.

"Which your going to lose"


"Good fight" we both fell onto the couch with all the paint off and clean fresh clothes on.

"You bet it was archer" I huffed.

"Lets go out" he said. I rises both of my eyebrows at him as he got up from the couch.

"Sure?" it sounded more like at question.

Me and him got changed. I waited for him as I was beside the front door in a knee length dress, black pair of heels, my purse and my jacket. it's windy out so why not right?.

He came out minuets later trying to tie his tie. So I walked up to him and smiled.

"Need help?" I ask. he just smiled and shook his head.

"I Got this" he said. I giggled and shook my head.

"Clearly you don't Archer" I said.

I gently slapped his hands way and tied his tie.

"There you go"


"Archer? where are you taking me?" I ask.

We've been driving for an hour in the city.

"When I say we're here, I will tell you to close your eyes as I'm parking the car" he said.

"Okay?" I looked out the window until I felt the car stopped.

"Close your eyes babe" he said. I did what he told me to do as I heard his side of the door shut and mine open.

"Give me your hand please" he said. I stretched out my hand as I felt his.

"Where are we Archer?" I ask. soon as I step out of the car I heard it shut behind me as I'm still holding hands with Archer as my eyes are still close.

"Almost there grey" he informs me.

We been walking and walking. its like I've been walking in heels forever.

"Archer. like really where are we?" I ask.

"You can open your eyes now" he said. I felt his hand release from mine as soon I open up my eyes.

"Archer! oh my" I squealed. he looked so delightful that I'm happy.

There was a picnic blanket, a basket of food, candles lit all around it, peals circling the whole thing and there was a butler that looks alot like Zac.

"Hi Zac!" I called out to him. he just waved. I turned to look at Archer. I ran over to him in my heels as they patter against the grass. I hugged him and he pick me up ad spun me around.

"Lets go sit" Archer placed me on and took my hand as he walked me over to the blanket that was placed neatly in the grass.

We been talking for hours until we began to eat dinner as Zac handed it to us. it was paste, chicken, sidekicks, champagne, water, salad and for last was ice cream.

"I know we had up and downs when we first met in the diner back in high school and that we both went to different collages but I been.."

~Archer pov~

"I know we had up and downs when we first met in the diner back in high school and that we both went to different collages but I been waiting to ask you this" I been ready to say these words to her right now and always. she is the love of my life, my soul, my everything.

"Elliot grey will you marry me"

~Elliot pov~

"Elliot grey will you do the honours to marry me?" he ask. he eyes widen as he goes on one knee and shows me a golden ring. so my type of ring choice. good job archer.

I felt a smile creeping up on my face as I placed my two hands on each side of my nose. I jump a little and shake my head.

"Yes archer. I would love to marry you" he placed the ring on my finger and got up. and hugged me with joy.

"I love you mrs. West" he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"And I love you mr.West" I said happily.

Finally we can be together forever. me. Elliot grey marrying the bad boy from high school to collage is going to be my husband. archer west. jeez. it's going to be a new beginning with him from now on and I'm happy for that.

"Archer?" I ask.

"Yes west?" he said.

"One. calling me west now are you? and two. I love you" I said.

"One. yep and two. I love you too" with that our lips came crashing together as he is still hugging me. I hugged him back.

I leaned my head into his shoulder and mumbled.

"A new beginning"

"It is" once again our lips came colliding and this is our new beginning. together from now and forever. his is mine and I am his. no one can change that.


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