Something awesome!

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Okay okay you all love this story that I wrote for a contest that was in June and I keep on getting notifications saying that people been voting or adding this short story to their reading list so I am writhing this brand new book called IT started with the bad boy and I think you all will enjoy, love, cry over, laugh about, smile about, think about, and much more so please read it. I started it not to long ago. the main person is about that she lost her mom and dad in a car crash on her way home from dance but then she goes to live with her aunt and cousins but she found this chapel but she also found this guy. that's all I'm saying about the book but if you all want to know more then go find it in discovering, add it to your library and read it to the very end! I'm not forcing you it's totally up to you! shall I change the people in this short story and add it for the very ending? comment me and help the poor writer out with some ideas for IT started with the bad boy please!


Please! ~ flower1327

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