Chapter 3 Resurrected

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"You are a jumpy little thing, aren't you?" The old woman asked with a twinkle in her eyes, but my eyes were locked on the damn cat who had risen from the dead. I had fallen into a zombie town and my weak heart began beating itself to death.

"Calm down, little Lur." The woman lifted herself from the kitchen table with ease that should not be attached to someone of her age, she approached me with care and I felt her chilled hand over my back, rubbing into my tense muscles.

"But she was dead. She was dying." I muttered with my eyes locked on the blood stained cat, she now nudged me with her head and her purrs filled the room.

"This does not make sense." I began and then I thought of something. "How do you know my name?"

"Do you require an explanation for everything you see, dear?" The woman chuckled in my ear as her fingers dug into my shoulder. "I saw your name taped on the mailbox outside." The woman continued with an impassive tone. My breathing hitched as the cat continued to vie for my affections. That seemed like an odd way to learn someones name.

"Now calm down. Or you will worry yourself into an early grave." The woman moved to my side and I felt her lean in but I awkwardly looked off ahead at nothing.

"You are not a warm type, are you?" The woman's voice began and she stood up collecting the cat from the table and letting it rest in her old arms. "Well I understand. These woods are big and dark, you are right to be afraid of everything in here." With her words a glanced over, her features had warmed and her eyes still held something ominous.

"I am your neighbor. I live just up the road," the woman lifted her hand to point off in the direction she lived. "If you find yourself in need of a friend, you are always welcome, deary." Then she began to turn away with her bloody cat still in her arms and suddenly I felt bad. I was not warm.

"What is your name?" I called out before she could moved towards the door.

"Oh, did I not tell you? Forgive me, my mind is not what it once was." She chuckled with a rasping sound coming from her and then her smile brightened. "I am Snædís." Her eyes beamed as she spoke her name and I felt something flood the room but it could have just been my anxiety muddling up my senses.

"Nice to meet you." I said through dry lips and I attempted to swallow my unease. She was just an old woman.

"You too, darling. Come by and see me sometime. No one should be alone in the woods for long, it will weaken your mind."

"Sure," I agreed cautiously. The woman smiled and turned towards my door, letting herself out. 

I didn't leave the house for days after my encounter with the wolf and the zombie cat. I could not bring myself to go outside and my workload was continuing to pile up as I lethargically laid around my bed. But the zombie cat could not seem to stay away. I spotted her perching right outside my window early in the morning. Her rounded green eyes glaring right into my window as if she saw me watching her.

"Creepy cat," I muttered to myself and closed the curtains. It was later that evening that I heard a scratching on my front door. I stood frozen over the kitchen sink with suds covering my hands as I cleaned the dishes. Panic filled my lungs and I dropped a plate in the soapy water.

"No," I whispered as if my words could somehow halt the creepy events that seemed to be following me. "No more of this weird shit." With a influx of sudden annoyance, I moved towards the front door and kicked it.

"Go away!" I yelled at the phantom scratching, but it did not heed my command. The scratching only intensified and grew louder until I could feel my very bones shaking under my flesh. Instinctively, I moved away from the door and covered my ears as I did. I knew I had dead bolted the door for I checked the damn thing several times a day.

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